The catering-team from Scolarest-Compass prepares school meals in our own kitchen and serving tasty and healthy meals, whilst ensuring all health and safety measures are adhered too. You will find below the menus for the month of September 2022. If you have any questions, thank you to contact : euro.school.evere@compass-group.be Menu and allergens for the week from the 3 oct […]


Friday 28th October’s menu has been modified to offer our pupils a special “Halloween” meal We serve meals that respect the balance of food and that, we hope, will appeal to a majority of children of all nationalities. For reasons of infrastructure and personnel, a unique menu is offered. Menu for the month of October […]

New Offers at the Cafeteria for 2022

The APEEE Canteen Service is launching new offers in the cafeteria (only available to secondary students) for the next couple of weeks. The offer will consist of a new sandwich each two weeks, in addition to the normal offer of sandwiches, paninis, salads, etc.


We serve meals that respect the balance of food and that, we hope, will appeal to a majority of children of all nationalities. For reasons of infrastructure and personnel, a unique menu is offered. The Wednesday menu is published two days prior below: Wednesday 7th September 2022 Wednesday 14th September 2022 Wednesday 21st September 2022 […]


As you know, the catering-team from Scolarest-Compass will prepare school meals in our own kitchen and serving tasty and healthy meals, whilst ensuring all health and safety measures are adhered too. You will find below the menus for the month of September 2022. If you have any questions, thank you to contact : euro.school.evere@compass-group.be Menu and allergens for the week […]

WOLUWE : Menu modification for Friday 16th & Thursday 22nd September 2022

Dear parents, Dear students, We would like to inform you of a change, due to a breakdown in our machines. The planned side dish, mashed potatoes (lactose), will replace steamed potatoes. There are no allergens to indicate. We apologise for this inconvenience and thank you for your understanding. Best regards, The Canteen Team

Online University Fair: Studying in Tuscany

Dear parents, Dear students, We are pleased to share with you the invitation from TOUR4EU, the Association of seven 7 Tuscan Universities, to the second online edition of “Studying in Tuscany”, which will take place on October 5th from 17.00 to 19.00 (local Brussels time – CET). Such an initiative is addressed to S5, S6, […]

We updated our Terms & Conditions for the APEEE Services

We would like to remind you that, following the implementation of Salesforce, our new customer relationship management system, the APEEE has revised the Terms & Conditions of its services. You will find below a short recap of what it means for your subscriptions. We highly recommend that you carefully read the Terms & Conditions which are […]

The Cafeteria : Pre-ordering to save time !

Written by Kevin Smith, Canteen Working Group Coordinator We know that the queues in the cafeteria are too long and that’s why we made some changes to reduce the queues and save you time To pre-order your food simply go to the cafeteria between 08h00 to 10h30 and select your food/snack choices, pay, and set the […]

Who is the APEEE ?

In 2021, our then President began researching the origins of the creation of the APEEEs following questions from parents about the outsourcing of services. The entire article is available on our website if you wish to read it.The APEEE was created when, at the founding of the European Schools, no services such as canteen and transport were […]

National Strike on 13th February 2025 📣

As announced in the national media, a strike will take place on 13th February 2025, which could cause disruption and create trafic.

The transport service will keep the concerned parents informed in real time about cancellations, absent supervisors, etc.

We understand that this may cause inconvenience and would like to thank you in advance for your understanding and patience during this exceptional circumstance. We will do our best to minimise disruption.

Best regards, 

APEEE Bxl II Transport

Grève nationale le 13 février 2025 📣🚌

Comme annoncé dans les médias nationaux, une grève aura lieu le 13 février 2025, ce qui pourrait entraîner des perturbations sur le réseau routier de la capitale.

Le service transport tiendra informé en temps réel les parents concernés au sujet d’annulation, absence de surveillants, etc.

Nous comprenons que cela peut causer des désagréments et nous tenons à vous remercier d’avance de votre compréhension et patience en cette circonstance exceptionnelle. Nous ferons de notre mieux pour minimiser les perturbations.

Bien à vous,

APEEE Bxl II Transport