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Health, Safety & Security

All pupils must be safe at school. APEEE is therefore putting high priority on safety and security matters. Our objective is to ensure the pupil’s right for proper health, safety and security conditions at our school. The APEEE Health, Safety & Security (HSS) working group is focussing on the following three areas:

  • Wellbeing of pupils – e.g. preventing of abuse, harassment, bullying, negative behaviour
  • Safety at school (non-intentional incidents) – e.g. infrastructure, indoor climate, fire safety
  • Security (intentional incidents) – e.g. access to school, control, surveillance, etc.

The role of the APEEE in these areas is mainly to keep pressure on the school management to maintain and improve its performance on safety and security and to further advance in the field of health and well-being.

The APEEE is not in charge for activities related to these areas but is there to support and foster good practices and good management of the school system. We help identifying areas which need to be developed, we take and encourage initiative, and we monitor these areas closely and follow up on developments. We therefore strive towards an open, positive and constructive dialogue with the school management.

The APEEE believes in the need to apply a systematic and action-oriented approach to health, safety and security that is based audits and fact findings. The working group has been established for the purpose of seeking a common and coherent strategy on health, safety and security matters. It will assess findings, develop solutions and help turn them into concrete actions. While separate initiatives from parents are appreciated, we suggest that initiatives should be conducted under the regis of the APEEE.

The HSS working group consists of members of the APEEE Board but volunteering parents are most welcome to contribute with ambitions, expertise and network. Please contact us if you are interested in joining us, or if you have suggestions or questions!

Contact details are:


The APEEE has revised its General Terms & Conditions which will be applicable as of 2024-2025 school year. We highly recommend that you carefully read the updated General Terms & Conditions which are available on our website.


Friday 19/01/2024 afternoon for departures at 15:30 and 16:20  


Updated on 19/01/2024 – 11:50