Code of Conduct

Code of Conduct

Extracurricular Activities Rules

  1. The rules of conduct of the European School Brussels II also apply during extracurricular activities and supervision.
  2. Inappropriate behaviour will be subject to disciplinary measures. It may result in the child being excluded from the activity or supervision.
  3. Children must respect the facilities*, other participants, and APEEE staff.
  4. Pupils are responsible for any valuables (mobile telephone, jewellery, clothes, wallet, bank card, etc.) which they bring with them; any items left behind in the sports hall are placed in a box in the cleaners’ room until Friday when any unclaimed items are sent to Eurêka. The APEEE accept no responsibility for the loss or theft of pupils’ belongings.
  5. Participants and visitors must wear appropriate sports shoes in sports areas.
  6. No food or drinks are allowed other than water to keep the sports areas and changing rooms clean.
  7. Pupils taking part in activities are asked to wait for their instructor at the meeting point and not to go unaccompanied to the rooms where their activities take place.
  8. Pupils must not loiter or smoke in the immediate vicinity of the school before or after extracurricular activities/supervision. The consumption of alcohol on school premises or in the vicinity of the school is strictly prohibited.

*In case of damages, parents might be asked to pay the related costs

Fair play charter for extra-curricular sports activities

  1. The extracurricular activities include time for playing and time for learning, and I intend to do both.
  2. I accept the decisions of my teachers and referees or umpires, even if they are wrong. Anyone can make a mistake, although we must all do our best to avoid doing so.
  3. I am willing to help everyone by being here, by sharing my experience, and by understanding.
  4. I play to win, but I accept defeat with dignity.
  5. If I win by cheating, I have not won at all. I abide by the rules out of respect for others.
  6. I avoid spitefulness and aggressiveness in everything I do, say or write.
  7. I come to the assistance of any player who is injured or whose life is in danger.
  8. I am always sincere and brave.
  9. Irrespective of the sport, the competition or the opponent, every match is special.
  10. Respect is essential in sport: respect for the rules, for my opponent and for myself.
  11. I take care of the equipment which I am allowed to use.

Secondary students

Please note that if children remain in the school buildings outside school opening hours and the times when they are supervised by the instructors in charge of the extra-curricular activities, they are only covered by insurance policies taken out by their parents, as the insurance policies covering the extra-curricular activities and the school do not cover children who are not being supervised.


Please remind your children that valuables must be given to the instructors for safe-keeping during the activities and must not be left in the changing rooms.

We accept no responsibility for loss or theft of children’s possessions.

This sale is only accessible to students


Friday 19/01/2024 afternoon for departures at 15:30 and 16:20  


Updated on 19/01/2024 – 11:50