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Lost Items

Lost Items

Any property found on the buses is brought back to the transport office and handed over to Eurêka.

The valuable items such as glasses, headphones, phones, etc. are kept inside the Transport Office.

The Transport Office accepts no liability for lost objects which are not found or which have been damaged.

📢 European Summit 2024

As announced in the national media, the European Summit will take place on the 17th April and 18th April 2024, which could cause major disruption to the capital’s road network.

The disruption is expected to start at 07:00 and could affect the APEEE school transport service. Due to this situation, we anticipate the risk of delays and/or cancellations to the usual routes. The transport service will keep the concerned parents informed in real time.

We understand that this may cause inconvenience and would like to thank you in advance for your understanding and patience in this exceptional circumstance. We will do our best to minimise disruption.

Best regards, 

APEEE Bxl II Transport


Friday 19/01/2024 afternoon for departures at 15:30 and 16:20  


Updated on 19/01/2024 – 11:50