The APEEE has revised its Terms & Conditions. We highly recommend that you carefully read the Terms & Conditions which are available here.
Any pupil using school transport regularly must pay the required annual fee.
The subscription price is set during the first term: as soon as the number of pupils to be transported is known, we can determine the number of buses needed. All parents received a message regarding the price increase for the APEEE services for the 2023-2024 school year.
The final price for the school year 2023-2024 has been increased by 17.37%. The school bus fee per registered pupil is 2.231,55€ for 2023-2024.
The transport office offers two types of subscription, fees are applied as follows, irrespective of the number of journeys per week:
An occasional bus user must buy a single ticket from the Transport Office for the price of €4.00/journey (with a maximum of 10 tickets per school year). A user is a pupil who uses the bus exceptionally to go to a friend’s house, a doctor, a private teacher, etc., and not someone who regularly takes the bus once a week.
Such tickets may only be issued after checking the number of seats already reserved on the bus in question: if there are no more seats available, unfortunately, we will not be able to provide a ticket.
Parents who are not employed by the European Institutions will have to pay the invoices sent out each term by the date specified on the invoice.
Officials with the European Institutions and school staff who are entitled to the education allowance (from the 1st primary year onwards) are exempted from the direct payment of the season pass, provided that it is paid by their employer at the appropriate time (per term). We draw your attention to the fact that to receive the education allowance from the European Commission for the transport, both contract and temporary staff, European Commission Official and OSAE whose child attends the primary or secondary school must also fill in each year at the beginning of the academic year a scholar registration for their child(ren) on SYSPER 2.
This does not concern staff whose children attend the kindergarten, who are required to pay for the bus service themselves (see “Parents of children in the kindergarten”).
Note: in case the employment contract with the European institutions is ended or started, parents are requested to inform the APEEE transport office immediately, since as of that moment the parent is either, responsible for paying the invoice or benefits from the allowance.
Parents employed by the European Institutions who are not eligible for an education allowance should inform the transport office. They will receive an invoice each term for their child’s subscription to the school bus (see “Parents who are NOT employed by the European Institutions”).
Bus fees for children attending Kindergarten are always billed directly to the parents each term (see “Parents who are NOT employed by the European Institutions”).
The European Institutions may pay the amounts due directly to the APEEE. If the Institution concerned fails to make the payment in due time, for whatever reason, the transport office reserves the right to invoice the cost of transport directly to the parents concerned.
Parents who repeatedly fail to pay the invoice run the risk of having their child(ren) excluded from the school bus. There is no possibility of appeal once the decision of exclusion has been taken.
If there is no reaction to our second and final reminder, we will put the matter into the hands of our bailiff to recover the sum which is owed. As a last resort, the case will be given to our lawyer.
In case of serious financial difficulties, the APEEE Social Fund may grant a reduction for a term or the academic year. An application form is available from the transport office..
Regular checks are carried out on the buses to ensure that all users have a valid subscription or are in possession of a valid transport ticket (€4.00).
Any pupil using the school bus without a valid bus pass or ticket will be fined. Parents will be notified in writing.
Avenue Oscar Jespers 75, 1200 Woluwe St Lambert
Avenue du Bourget 30, 1140 Evere
The APEEE has revised its General Terms & Conditions which will be applicable as of 2024-2025 school year. We highly recommend that you carefully read the updated General Terms & Conditions which are available on our website.
Updated on 19/01/2024 – 11:50