Reimbursement of canteen and extracurricular fees 2021-2022 & prices for our services 2022-2023

Dear parents,

Concerning our three core services, the parents’ association (APEEE) hereby wishes to inform about the following two topics:

  • 2021-2022: reimbursement of the financial safety buffer,
  • 2022-2023: price setting for the APEEE services.

Reimbursement for the school year 2021-2022

In October 2021, the parents were informed by the APEEE of a price increase for the canteen service and the extra-curricular activities. This included a 3% safety buffer in case of unplanned losses related to COVID-19 closures. The APEEE also informed of its intention to refund this amount if the APEEE’s financial situation would allow so.

We hereby confirm that this financial buffer does not need to be touched and that the APEEE will refund the parents via a credit note. Therefore, concerning the canteen and the extracurricular service each family will receive a credit note covering the 3% financial safety buffer.

Furthermore, for families whose child was enrolled in the Woluwe canteen service in 2021-2022, and where:

  • the entire class had to be quarantined,
  • the secondary cycle school class did not attend on site education learning due to the rotation system, and where,
  • the classes were not held due to school closure the last three school 3 days before the Christmas break.

In these cases, a credit note covering food costs of 1,95€ per missed meal will be issued. The credit note(s) will be deducted from your first upcoming invoice (November 2022).

Price setting for the APEEE services school year 2022-2023

We would like to inform parents of the new pricing of the APEEE services. As mentioned in our message sent in May 2022, the high inflation rates have an impact on the overall costs. This means that the APEEE has to increase the prices in order to provide the services for the present school year 2022-2023. In the message in May, we also indicated the estimated price increase in order, to alert before you enrolled yourself for the APEEE services for the school year 2022-2023.

Now, after a careful analysis of our estimated costs, we have established the prices for the school year 2022-2023 as follows :

Woluwe canteen service

The final price for the school year 2022-2023 has been increased by 11.60%.

Nursery cycle: 6.36€ 

Primary cycle: 7.25€ 

Secondary cycle: 7.64€ 

In May, The increase was estimated at between 15% and 20%.

Evere canteen service

The Scolarest/Compass company have already informed the parents at Evere about the price increase for the school year 2022-2023.

School bus Woluwe & Evere

The final price for the school year 2022-2023 was increased by 17.35%.

School sus fee per registered pupil is 1901.32€ for 2022-2023.

In May, the increase was estimated between 20% and 25%.

Extracurricular Activities Woluwe & Evere

The final prices for the school year were increased by 10%. The prices per activity and for the school year 2022-2023 are available here : WOLUWE & EVERE

In May, the increase was estimated between 7% and 10%.

The APEEE is planning to send the invoices for the services for the first trimester (i.e Sept-Dec) by mid-November 2022.

The APEEE is committed to continue providing its best efforts to offer excellent services to your children.  

If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact us via

Thank you for your understanding and support.

Best regards,


National Strike on 13th February 2025 📣

As announced in the national media, a strike will take place on 13th February 2025, which could cause disruption and create trafic.

The transport service will keep the concerned parents informed in real time about cancellations, absent supervisors, etc.

We understand that this may cause inconvenience and would like to thank you in advance for your understanding and patience during this exceptional circumstance. We will do our best to minimise disruption.

Best regards, 

APEEE Bxl II Transport

Grève nationale le 13 février 2025 📣🚌

Comme annoncé dans les médias nationaux, une grève aura lieu le 13 février 2025, ce qui pourrait entraîner des perturbations sur le réseau routier de la capitale.

Le service transport tiendra informé en temps réel les parents concernés au sujet d’annulation, absence de surveillants, etc.

Nous comprenons que cela peut causer des désagréments et nous tenons à vous remercier d’avance de votre compréhension et patience en cette circonstance exceptionnelle. Nous ferons de notre mieux pour minimiser les perturbations.

Bien à vous,

APEEE Bxl II Transport