New Devices for Ukrainian Pupils’ Educational Support

Written by Maija Knutti, APEEE Board Member

During July, one of the school’s special education teachers approached the APEEE and shared the challenges they face teaching, and Ukrainian students face learning languages. Many learning programs and apps request up to date ICT devices. The teacher kindly asked if the APEEE could help purchase some devices.

Indeed, Ukrainian students in Secondary are asked to quickly learn French or English to be able to continue and evolve in their studies, therefore all help available is greatly appreciated.

The APEEE contacted the Secondhand Book Sales Committee, presented the matter, and asked if they would be willing to use a part of their fund to buy new devices for the students.

Secondhand Book Sale Support

The Secondhand Book Sale Committee is run by volunteer parents. Indeed, each section has volunteer parents who organise the book sale every spring and autumn. For every book sold, 0,50€ to 1€ is set aside in their fund to buy new learning equipment or support charities. The Committee was delighted to be able to help and with their fund, the APEEE was able to purchase 7 new tablets and 10 pairs of headsets. The devices are currently used to help teach languages to our Ukrainian students and help provide educational support to others.

We would like to send a warm thank you to all who helped organise the Secondhand book sale, enabling us to purchase the devices and to parents who participated, sold, and bought the books.

We wish inspiring learning experiences to all.

This sale is only accessible to students


Friday 19/01/2024 afternoon for departures at 15:30 and 16:20  


Updated on 19/01/2024 – 11:50