Class Representatives & What the Role Entails

The class representatives’ elections are currently taking place in Evere and in Woluwe. To provide as much information as needed to possible candidates, the APEEE wishes to detail the role of the class representatives. In primary and secondary, up to 4 representatives can be elected. The class representatives are the vital link between the members of the Association’s Board and the rest of the parents. They also play an essential role in the communication with the school. 

Please find below a more detailed overview of the roles as class representatives. 


  • Info Class Representative 
  • Treasurer 
  • Class Representative
  • Class Representative


  • Info Class Representative 
  • Class Representative 
  • Class Representative 
  • Class Representative

The role of the info class rep is to transmit the messages received from the APEEE board members to the class parents. The third and the fourth class reps have a free role, in accordance with the customs you create in your class, wishes of the parents and personalities of the class reps. Therefore, there is no hierarchy between the class representatives 

Before entering the more detailed part of the role of the class reps, please note that class parents have one vote per child. The APEEE Statutes stipulate that an elected parent can only represent parents of one class. Do not hesitate to read the Statuts & Règlement Intérieur

The representatives, have 3 main conterparts, who are: 

N°1 : Class Parents 

The representatives are the main contact persons for the parents. Amongst other tasks:

  • Keeping up to date the list of parents of the class (such as a change in email address, etc), this list can be provided by the APEEE Secretariat upon request from the Info Rep, 
  • Organising meetings with the class parents, 
  • Helping organising gatherings, answering questions from new parents, 
  • Helping the teacher to find parents to accompany children during school trips, 
  • Liaising between class parents and the teachers, 
  • Networking between the class representatives is very much encouraged,
  • Etc. 

N°2 : School 

The representatives are the contact persons for the teachers, the educational advisers. Amongst other tasks:

  • Liaising between the teachers and the parents,
  • Reporting on matters of general interest to the parents,
  • Etc.


The representatives are the contact persons for the APEEE. Amongst other tasks:

  • Attending the Annual General Meeting (AGM) and voting for the Board election,
  • Communicating parents’ concerns with the Board members (their section representatives),
  • Transmitting APEEE information to the class,
  • Etc.

It is important to note that all parents who are in order of payment of the APEEE membership fee (not only class representatives) can stand for the Board election and class representatives, who in order of payment of their membership fee, will be able to vote. 

We hope you will consider standing for class representative, as you will be the voice of your class and vote during the AGM. Do not hesitate to contact your section representative or visit our website for more information.

The APEEE will organise a cross section meeting with all new class representatives of maternelles and primary mid-October, and additional information will follow for new class representatives of the secondary cycle in the next months.

This sale is only accessible to students


Friday 19/01/2024 afternoon for departures at 15:30 and 16:20  


Updated on 19/01/2024 – 11:50