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Table of Contents

The fees listed below are for the school year 2022-2023.

What is the Supervision?

Supervision (“surveillance” in French) refers to the childcare service organised by the APEEE. Note that “garderie” refers to the childcare service organised by the European Commission = GPS (Garderie Post Scolaire).

The Supervision is aimed at children from the Nursery to S7. Supervision is provided every weekday between 15.00 and 18.30 and on Wednesdays between 12.50 and 18.30.

Please be aware that the school regulation does not allow for any student to stay in the school perimeter after the end of the school classes unless they are enrolled in an activity or supervision: if your child is enrolled in an APEEE activity, you might need to register him/her in the Supervision (see rules below).

Historically, APEEE supervision was designed for children participating in extracurricular activities but the offer has been widened to the whole school community, subject to availability.

Under the supervision of the APEEE, the children are divided by age: kindergarten and secondary 1-2 children have separate rooms, all primary children are together in the refectory. Depending on the weather, children will be able to play outside. We provide sports equipment (footballs, basketballs, ping-pong rackets), games (chess, cards, board games) colouring / collages / crafts.

A fixed team of +/- 20 supervisors is present at the school to ensure the safety, transfers and well-being of the children. The person supervising your child changes depending on where your child is located.

Ex: a child in P1 will be taken care of with his classmates by a member of our staff with his teacher. This person will accompany him to the sports hall to follow his judo activity. Two other people will help the children attending judo with their equipment and ensure the changing rooms are tidy. The child will then be looked after for one hour by the judo teacher. After the activity, the children will be accompanied either to the Supervision or to the gate to leave school with the person authorised to pick them up.

Children are free to choose their occupation during their stay under the supervision of the APEEE and are always under the supervision of an adult.

Please note that the APEEE does not provide snacks for children registered for its Supervision service.

Children enrolled in the OIB garderies on the school sites (Woluwe-Evere) also have the opportunity to participate in extracurricular activities. It is the staff members of the APEEE who pick up the children from the garderie to take them to their activities.

For more details, please contact the department concerned:


APEEE organises

  • Supervision With Activity

(For the children who are enrolled in an activity) for two groups: from nursery to S2 and from S3 to S7.

    • Nursery, Primary, S1 & S2

You have to register your child if:

  • Your child’s activity starts at 15.30, but you cannot pick him/her up immediately at the end of his/her activity, or
  • Your child’s activity starts more than 30 minutes after your child’s school day ends, or
  • Your child has an activity on Wednesday afternoon and remains at school between the end of the school day and the start of his/her activity.

Registration is to be done through the Secured Zone, in the same way as for registration for an activity. The codes for registration for “Supervision with activity (nursery-S2)” are:

Monday 15.00 – 18.30WOL4101_23EVE4101_23
Tuesday 15.00 – 18.30WOL4201_23EVE4201_23
Wednesday 12.30 – 15.30WOL4305_23EVE4305_23
Wednesday 15.30 – 18.30WOL4301_23EVE4301_23
Thursday 15.00 – 18.30WOL4401_23EVE4401_23
Friday 12.30 – 15.30WOL4505_23EVE4505_23
Friday 15.30 – 18.30WOL4501_23EVE4501_23

Price: the fee for “Supervision with activity (nursery-S2)” is €214* for the selected period for the entire school year (e.g. €214 for all Mondays afternoons throughout the year).

* these fees are tentative and still subject to modifications

    • S3 to S7

You have to register your child if:

  • There is at least a 30-minute period between the end of the school day and the beginning of your child’s activity.

Registration is done through the Secured Zone, in the same way as for registration for an activity. The codes for registration for “Supervision with activity (S3-S7)” are:

    • Monday: WOL4104_23
    • Tuesday: WOL4204_23
    • Wednesday: WOL4304_23
    • Thursday: WOL4404_23
    • Friday: WOL4504_23

Price: the “Supervision with activity (S3-S7)” is free of charge.

  • Supervision Without Activity

For children who are not registered in any activity on the same afternoon from nursery to S2.

You have to register your child if:

  • Your child doesn’t have any activity in the same afternoon but you would like your child to stay at school after school hours or,
  • You would like your child to have lunch at school on Wednesday and your child isn’t registered to the OIB Garderie.

Registration is done through the Secured Zone, in the same way as for registration for an activity. The codes for registration for “Supervision without activity” are:

Monday 15.00 – 18.30WOL4102_23EVE4102_23
Tuesday 15.00 – 18.30WOL4202_23EVE4202_23
Wednesday 12.30 – 15.30WOL4306_23EVE4306_23
Wednesday 15.30 – 18.30WOL4302_23EVE4302_23
Thursday 15.00 – 18.30WOL4402_23EVE4402_23
Friday 12.30 – 15.30WOL4506_23EVE4506_23
Friday 15.30 – 18.30WOL4502_23EVE4502_23

Price: the fee for “Supervision without activity” is €413* for the selected period for the entire school year (e.g. €413 for all Tuesdays afternoon throughout the year).

* these fees are tentative and still subject to modifications.

  • Supervision-On-Demand

Occasional supervision from nursery to S2. The number of places in Supervision-on-demand is limited to 20 per day.

You can register your child if:

  • You are unable to collect your child when his/her school day ends on a specific day or days of the week, or
  • you want your child to eat in the canteen on a specific Wednesday (please note that a canteen registration remains mandatory).

Registration: please contact the extra-curricular activities team by e-mail ( or and indicate clearly your child’s surname, first name and class and the date when you wish to use the service.

Upon confirmation from the APEEE that the service has been reserved, you must inform your child’s teacher (if your child is in kindergarten or primary). For this reason, we recommend that you to reserve the service at least one day in advance.

Price: the fee for “Occasional Supervision” is of 11€* per period of 3 hours per child.

* these fees are tentative and still subject to modifications

Where Does the Supervision Takes Place ?

  • Woluwe
    • Kindergarten : primary preau
    • Primary + Secondary 1-2 : canteen
    • Secondary 3-7 : cafeteria (sport building)
  • Evere
    • Kindergarten: room 100.38
    • Primary: room 100.42

Picking up a Child From Supervision

  • Woluwe

At the school’s main entrance, please give the name(s) of the child(ren) you have to pick up to the member of our supervision team (wearing an orange jacket) and the child(ren) will then be brought to you after we have checked that you are allowed to pick him/her up.

  • Evere

When parents arrive at the school parking, they can call our supervisors directly at 0489 347479 and ask to bring their child(ren) back to the parent zone.

Parents delay

The child must be collected by the parents before 18.30 from the APEEE’s Supervision.

If the parent cannot be reached, and it is not possible to reach any of the other contacts indicated, the APEEE will have to inform the competent authorities (Police), with the collaboration of the school, from 19.00.

To this end, please check your contact details in your Secured Zone as well as the contact details of the other persons authorised to collect your child.

Late arrivals: You will be required to pay a penalty of €15 if you are more than 15 minutes late and each subsequent minute will result in an additional fee of €1.

Please note that if no parent is at the bus stop to collect the child, he/she will return to school (under the supervision of the APEEE) if no solution can be found with the parent.4305 (12h30 – 15h30) & 4301 (15h30 – 18h30)


The APEEE has revised its General Terms & Conditions which will be applicable as of 2024-2025 school year. We highly recommend that you carefully read the updated General Terms & Conditions which are available on our website.


Friday 19/01/2024 afternoon for departures at 15:30 and 16:20  


Updated on 19/01/2024 – 11:50