Written by Eleonora Apponi Battini, membre of the APEEE Board and Eurêka volunteer
“Eurêka” is the lost and found service for EEB2 pupils, run by a few parents who devote part of their time to sort the items and, as far as possible, track down the owner.
As already announced, the Eurêka Secondary & Eurêka Primary have recently merged and are now located in the Primary Building, next to the library.
Eurêka Primary
Pupils can visit Eurêka every Thursday from 10h to 12h50. In the room, each class has a dedicated box where the volunteers collect items lost by pupils belonging to that class – provided they are marked with the family name!
To help parents find their children’s lost belongings, the Eurêka Primary team regularly publishes a photo gallery, which is accessible via this link – please save it for future checks !
Eurêka Secondary
Eureka is opened to Secondary pupils every Friday from 11h45 to 13h45. As mentioned above, it is now located in the Primary building, at level 0, near the library.
It is fundamental that belongings bear the family name (clearly readable, no initials, no given name), this makes it easier for to return them to the owner
It is also important to make sure that – once a mail from Eureka Secondary is received – found items are collected as soon as possible.
Exceptionally, in order to clear some space, Eureka volunteers may hand out to advisors items left uncollected for too long. However, this is shall not be the general rule, it is just an extra effort by the Eureka team.
The Eureka team always needs new volunteers, new ideas, new energy. If you are interested in joining, please send a mail to secretariat.apeee@woluweparents.org
We take this opportunity to acknowledge the efforts of Eurêka volunteer parents in contributing to the school community. Thank you !