September 18 2023 : Start of the extra-curricular activities

Extracurricular activities will start on Monday 18 September 2023.

Here are a few tips to help your child’s extracurricular activities run smoothly:

  1. Check your child’s activity registrations.
    Go to your Secured Zone to check your child’s activity registrations.

  2. Make a note of these registrations in the agenda for the teacher’s attention and remind your child of them.
    Your nursery and primary school children’s teachers will receive a list of the activities followed by all the children in the class. As the beginning of the year is a particularly busy time, we encourage you to remind your child of his or her participation in the following activities.

Children enrolled at Woluwé school


At the end of the school day, your child’s teacher will take him/her to the nursery préau, where he/she will be collected by our team and taken to his/her activity or supervision, with the exception of Swimming, for which the teacher will take your child to the bus taking him/her to the swimming pool (SportCity).

1st and 2nd Primary (subject to the temporary move to the Evere site)

Monday to Thursday :
Activities and supervision will take place on the Woluwé site. Shuttle buses, which must be registered with the transport service, will take pupils from the Evere site to the Woluwé site.

It is important to tell your child’s teacher that he or she will be taking the shuttle bus and then taking part in an activity. In your child’s class diary, please indicate this as follows:

                Monday : SHUTTLE WOLUWE 15H00 -> ACTIVITE FOOTBALL

If your child is registered for swimming, please indicate this as follows :

                Tuesday : SHUTTLE WOLUWE 15H00 -> BUS NATATION

Finally, if your child is registered for ice skating (starting on 12 October 2023), please indicate this as follows :

                Thursday : BUS ACTIVITE PATIN A GLACE

Friday :
As with the rest of the week, it’s important to mention your child’s route through our services. Here are some examples of scenarios :

  • Your child takes part in an activity / supervision before 15.30 then must go home :

                Friday : ACTIVITE / SURVEILLANCE APEEE -> BUS (N° xxx)

  • Your child takes part in an activity / supervision before 15.30 and you collect him/her directly from Evere:


  • Your child takes part in an activity/supervision before 15.30 then you pick him/her up from Woluwé :


  • Your child takes part in an activity/supervision after 15.30 and is not enrolled at the OIB :


  • Your child takes part in an activity / supervision before 15.30 then must go to the OIB garderie at the Woluwe site :

                Friday : ACTIVITE / SURVEILLANCE APEEE -> SHUTTLE WOLUWE 15h00 -> OIB

  • Your child takes part in an activity / supervision before 15.30 then must go to the OIB garderie at external sites (e.g. Cole, van Maerlant, Beaulieu, etc.) :

                Friday : ACTIVITE / SURVEILLANCE APEEE -> BUS OIB (site Cole, van Maerlant, …)

  • Your child is enrolled at the OIB garderie (Woluwé site) and takes part in an activity after 15.30 :

                Friday : SHUTTLE WOLUWE 12H40 -> OIB (Woluwé) -> ACTIVITE APEEE

3rd Primary and above

Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, Friday:
Your child must make his or her own way

  • to the entrance of the Hall des Sports for sports activities
  • to the Canteen for cultural activities and supervision
  • in the corresponding bus in the bus park for off-site activities:
    • Swimming from 19 September 2023
    • Ice skating from 12 October 2023

Pupils in secondary 3 or above are invited to wait for their activity in the cafeteria of the Sports Hall.

Wednesday :
Your child will have to make their own way to the canteen for the meal and will then be accompanied or guided by our team to their activity/supervision.

Picking up your child and permission to leave

We kindly ask parents to indicate in their child’s agenda whether or not they are authorised to leave the school alone after their supervision/activity. If your child is not authorised to leave the school alone, please also indicate the names of the persons authorised to collect your child.

Children can be collected from their activity/supervision in the collection area located at the school entrance. We ask those collecting children to speak to the members of our team wearing an orange waistcoat and to state the name of the child they are collecting. Please note that at the beginning of the year, pick-up may take longer than usual; thank you for your understanding.

Pupils in 3rd Secondary and above are automatically authorised to leave the school alone after their activity.

If your child is enrolled in the Commission’s after-school care service (OIB), please go to the Kiddyweb folder for each of your children enrolled in extracurricular activities and edit the authorisation field by filling in the following three compulsory fields:

  • Last name: APEEE ;
  • First name: Woluwe OR Evere (depending on the site where your child is registered) ;
  • APEEE telephone number: 0476 27 56 57

Children enrolled at the Evere school

Nursery, 1st and 2nd Primary

Monday to Thursday:

At the end of the school day, your child’s teacher will bring them to the entrance hall where they will be collected by our team and taken to their activity/supervision.


At the end of the school day (12.45), your child’s teacher will bring them to the entrance hall where they will be collected by our team and taken to their activity/supervision.

At 15.30, our team will drop your child off at his/her bus, unless he/she is registered for the 15.30-18.30 supervision.

3rd Primary and above

At the end of the school day, your child’s teacher will take them to the entrance hall where they will be collected by our team and taken to their activity/supervision.

Picking up your child and permission to leave

We kindly parents to indicate in their child’s agenda whether or not they are authorised to leave the school alone after their supervision/activity. If your child is not authorised to leave the school alone, please also indicate the names of the persons authorised to collect your child.

The collection of children after their activity / supervision is organised in the parent zone, please call the supervision number 0489 347479 once you are in the car park and give the name, first name and class of your child to our supervision team.

If your child is enrolled in the Commission’s after-school care service (OIB), please go to the Kiddyweb folder for each of your children enrolled in extracurricular activities and edit the authorisation field by filling in the following three compulsory fields :

  • Last name: APEEE ;
  • First name: Woluwe OR Evere (depending on the site where your child is registered) ;
  • APEEE telephone number: 0476 27 56 57

National Strike on 13th February 2025 📣

As announced in the national media, a strike will take place on 13th February 2025, which could cause disruption and create trafic.

The transport service will keep the concerned parents informed in real time about cancellations, absent supervisors, etc.

We understand that this may cause inconvenience and would like to thank you in advance for your understanding and patience during this exceptional circumstance. We will do our best to minimise disruption.

Best regards, 

APEEE Bxl II Transport

Grève nationale le 13 février 2025 📣🚌

Comme annoncé dans les médias nationaux, une grève aura lieu le 13 février 2025, ce qui pourrait entraîner des perturbations sur le réseau routier de la capitale.

Le service transport tiendra informé en temps réel les parents concernés au sujet d’annulation, absence de surveillants, etc.

Nous comprenons que cela peut causer des désagréments et nous tenons à vous remercier d’avance de votre compréhension et patience en cette circonstance exceptionnelle. Nous ferons de notre mieux pour minimiser les perturbations.

Bien à vous,

APEEE Bxl II Transport