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Townhall Meeting: Thank You For Participating!

Written by Wolfgang Münch, APEEE Bxl II Board President

Last week Wednesday we were fortunate enough to have the Secretary General of the European Schools, Andreas Beckmann, the school management team, as well teacher and student representatives join the parents for a townhall meeting to discuss overcrowding in secondary and the future of the language sections. 

We were happy so many of you could join us in the room or on the screen at short notice and participate in the lively discussion which followed. Many thanks for your active and constructive participation. The Board of Governors will decide on the options this week on 27/10/2022. It was important to have such an engaged discussion before that decision and make your voice heard.

The link to watch the meeting has been sent to all parents of EEB2.


The APEEE has revised its General Terms & Conditions which will be applicable as of 2024-2025 school year. We highly recommend that you carefully read the updated General Terms & Conditions which are available on our website.


Friday 19/01/2024 afternoon for departures at 15:30 and 16:20  


Updated on 19/01/2024 – 11:50