How to Stand for the Board 2023

It is almost time to elect your Parents Association’s new leadership, the APEEE Board ! Indeed, our APEEE’s Annual General Meeting (AGM) is approaching, and is the occasion to present the outgoing APEEE Board, its work, its reports, and mostly to elect its members ! All documents are available on the website.

The Association’s Board (“Conseil d’administration” or “C.A.”) consists of 25 Board members. They are elected to serve a one or two-year mandate. Therefore, to maintain continuity, at least half the mandates on the Board are up for election at each AGM.

There are many issues that require the APEEEs attention as they have a direct impact on our children’s education. However, the APEEE focuses on not just pedagogical issues but also, for example improving safety and security. Last but not least, the APEEE is a service provider for our children and their parents: food, transport and extracurricular activities.

What does the APEEE Board Do ?

Once elected in the AGM of all class representatives, the APEEE Board meets to elect its President, Vice Presidents, working group coordinators, and representatives in various committees and bodies.

  • School’s Board: which manages administrative and financial aspects of our school.
  • CEP&M: Education Council for the Primary & Kindergarten cycles
  • CEES: Education Committee for the Secondary cycle
  • Central Enrolment Authority 
  • Interparents: which brings together the Parents’ Associations of all 14 European schools

In these committee and bodies, the APEEE representatives make proposals, express views on items discussed and work with the directors, advisors, teachers’ and students’ representatives..

Our Working Groups

Furthermore, Board members sets up working groups, which oversee activities, for example the Services (Canteen, Extracurricular and Transport). The daily operation of these services is in the hands of our paid staff.

The various working groups in which Board members are involved, can be found on the APEEE website : working group structure (

Through Interparents, our APEEE is represented on the Board of Governors (BoG, Conseil Supérieur), which oversees the entire European School system. The BoG has a number of working groups, in many of which parents are represented.

How to Stand for Election ?

All of this work is voluntary, unpaid work by parents.

Interested parents, whether elected class representatives or not, are most welcome to stand for election for the new Board. Parents who are interested to stand need to have paid their APEEE contribution fee, which appears on the APEEE invoice which has been issued last november.

In case you would like to stand for election, please contact us at by 29th January 2023 at 19:00 at the latest. 

We will send you a short document to fill in which will be shared at the AGM on 31st January 2023, when candidates will be invited to speak for maximum 2 minutes each. The document will also be published on the APEEE website a day or 2 days before the AGM to inform the class representatives about the candidates standing.

For parents who wish to stand and who inform us after that deadline, we will not be able to show the slide at the AGM due to organisational matters, and their picture will also not be uploaded on the voting application which will be used on the night of the AGM.

If you were to be elected, your first meeting with the new Board will be organised on 7th February 2023 and a second meeting will be organised on 16th February 2023. More information will be shared when available.

It’s also recommended to read the article on the GDPR & Confidentiality published on the APEEE website: GDPR & confidentiality | Woluwe Parents – APEEE

If you feel you can contribute to the work of the Board and the APEEE, do not hesitate to contact us and we will gladly send you the document.

National Strike on 13th February 2025 📣

As announced in the national media, a strike will take place on 13th February 2025, which could cause disruption and create trafic.

The transport service will keep the concerned parents informed in real time about cancellations, absent supervisors, etc.

We understand that this may cause inconvenience and would like to thank you in advance for your understanding and patience during this exceptional circumstance. We will do our best to minimise disruption.

Best regards, 

APEEE Bxl II Transport

Grève nationale le 13 février 2025 📣🚌

Comme annoncé dans les médias nationaux, une grève aura lieu le 13 février 2025, ce qui pourrait entraîner des perturbations sur le réseau routier de la capitale.

Le service transport tiendra informé en temps réel les parents concernés au sujet d’annulation, absence de surveillants, etc.

Nous comprenons que cela peut causer des désagréments et nous tenons à vous remercier d’avance de votre compréhension et patience en cette circonstance exceptionnelle. Nous ferons de notre mieux pour minimiser les perturbations.

Bien à vous,

APEEE Bxl II Transport