Extracurricular – Activity Details

List of Activities

Extracurricular 2023 - 2024

CodeSchoolActivity NameDay of weekStart TimeEnd TimeTotal PricePlanned Activity ID
EVE1101_23 Evere Ballet Classique Monday 15:30:00.000Z 16:30:00.000Z 350 PA-001954
EVE1102_23 Evere Ballet Classique Monday 16:30:00.000Z 17:30:00.000Z 350 PA-001955
EVE1103_23 Evere Ballet Classique Monday 17:30:00.000Z 18:30:00.000Z 350 PA-002039
EVE1201_23 Evere Karaté Tuesday 15:30:00.000Z 16:30:00.000Z 350 PA-001956
EVE1202_23 Evere Karaté Tuesday 16:30:00.000Z 17:30:00.000Z 350 PA-001957
EVE1203_23 Evere Yoga Tuesday 15:30:00.000Z 16:30:00.000Z 350 PA-001842
EVE1204_23 Evere Yoga Tuesday 16:30:00.000Z 17:30:00.000Z 350 PA-001843
EVE1301_23 Evere Gymnastique & Multisports Wednesday 13:30:00.000Z 14:30:00.000Z 350 PA-001958
EVE1302_23 Evere Gymnastique & Multisports Wednesday 14:30:00.000Z 15:30:00.000Z 350 PA-001959
EVE1303_23 Evere Gymnastique & Multisports Wednesday 15:30:00.000Z 16:30:00.000Z 350 PA-001960
EVE1401_23 Evere Danse contemporaine & créative Thursday 15:30:00.000Z 16:30:00.000Z 350 PA-001963
EVE1402_23 Evere Danse contemporaine & créative Thursday 16:30:00.000Z 17:30:00.000Z 350 PA-001964
EVE1403_23 Evere Danse contemporaine & créative Thursday 17:30:00.000Z 18:30:00.000Z 350 PA-002046
EVE1404_23 Evere Karaté Thursday 15:30:00.000Z 16:30:00.000Z 350 PA-001961
EVE1405_23 Evere Karaté Thursday 16:30:00.000Z 17:30:00.000Z 350 PA-001962
EVE1406_23 Evere Patin à glace Thursday 03:30:00.000Z 05:30:00.000Z 426 PA-001844
EVE1407_23 Evere Rollers Thursday 15:30:00.000Z 16:30:00.000Z 117.56 PA-002309
EVE1501_23 Evere Multisports & Athlétisme Friday 15:30:00.000Z 16:30:00.000Z 350 PA-001965
EVE1502_23 Evere Multisports & Athlétisme Friday 16:30:00.000Z 17:30:00.000Z 350 PA-001966
EVE3101_23 Evere Art & craft Monday 15:30:00.000Z 16:30:00.000Z 350 PA-001968
EVE3102_23 Evere Éveil musical Monday 15:30:00.000Z 16:30:00.000Z 350 PA-001967
EVE3103_23 Evere English for fun Monday 15:30:00.000Z 16:30:00.000Z 350 PA-001840
EVE3104_23 Evere English for fun Monday 16:30:00.000Z 17:30:00.000Z 350 PA-001841
EVE3105_23 Evere Les clés de la magie Tuesday 15:30:00.000Z 17:00:00.000Z 391 PA-002250
EVE3201_23 Evere Théâtre en français Tuesday 15:30:00.000Z 16:30:00.000Z 391 PA-001969
EVE3202_23 Evere Théâtre en français Tuesday 16:30:00.000Z 17:30:00.000Z 391 PA-001970
EVE3204_23 Evere Art & craft Tuesday 15:30:00.000Z 16:30:00.000Z 350 PA-001971
EVE3301_23 Evere Art & craft Wednesday 13:30:00.000Z 14:30:00.000Z 350 PA-001974
EVE3302_23 Evere Art & craft Wednesday 14:30:00.000Z 15:30:00.000Z 350 PA-001975
EVE3303_23 Evere Club in italiano Wednesday 13:30:00.000Z 14:30:00.000Z 391 PA-001978
EVE3304_23 Evere Initiation à la musique et au chant Wednesday 13:00:00.000Z 14:00:00.000Z 350 PA-001976
EVE3305_23 Evere Initiation à la musique et au chant Wednesday 14:00:00.000Z 15:00:00.000Z 350 PA-001977
EVE3306_23 Evere Théâtre en italien Wednesday 14:30:00.000Z 15:30:00.000Z 391 PA-002045
EVE3307_23 Evere Théâtre en français Wednesday 13:30:00.000Z 14:30:00.000Z 391 PA-001972
EVE3308_23 Evere Théâtre en français Wednesday 14:30:00.000Z 15:30:00.000Z 391 PA-001973
EVE3401_23 Evere Art & craft Thursday 15:30:00.000Z 16:30:00.000Z 350 PA-001979
EVE3402_23 Evere Histoires et contes en français Thursday 15:30:00.000Z 16:30:00.000Z 350 PA-001845
EVE3403_23 Evere Cours de français Thursday 16:30:00.000Z 17:30:00.000Z 350 PA-001846
EVE3501_23 Evere Art & craft Friday 14:00:00.000Z 15:00:00.000Z 350 PA-001980
EVE3502_23 Evere Bulgarski klub Friday 15:30:00.000Z 16:30:00.000Z 443 PA-001981
EVE3503_23 Evere Echecs Friday 14:00:00.000Z 15:00:00.000Z 317 PA-001982
EVE3504_23 Evere Echecs Friday 15:30:00.000Z 16:30:00.000Z 317 PA-001829
EVE3505_23 Evere Digi'Kids "informatique" Friday 13:00:00.000Z 14:00:00.000Z 418 PA-002247
EVE3506_23 Evere Digi'Kids "informatique" Friday 16:30:00.000Z 17:30:00.000Z 418 PA-002264
EVE3507_23 Evere Initiation musicale Friday 13:00:00.000Z 14:00:00.000Z 290 PA-002257
EVE3508_23 Evere Echecs Friday 13:00:00.000Z 14:00:00.000Z 317 PA-002303
EVE3509_23 Evere Art & craft Friday 15:30:00.000Z 16:30:00.000Z 350 PA-002266
EVE3510_23 Evere Art & craft Friday 13:00:00.000Z 14:00:00.000Z 350 PA-002306
EVE3511_23 Evere Théâtre en français Friday 13:00:00.000Z 14:00:00.000Z 391 PA-002304
EVE3512_23 Evere Théâtre en français Friday 13:00:00.000Z 14:00:00.000Z 195.5 PA-002305
EVE3513_23 Evere Science for Fun Friday 14:00:00.000Z 15:00:00.000Z 606 PA-002307
EVE4101_23 Evere Surveillance avec activité Monday 15:30:00.000Z 18:30:00.000Z 249 PA-001983
EVE4102_23 Evere Surveillance sans activité Monday 15:30:00.000Z 18:30:00.000Z 438 PA-001984
EVE4192_23 Evere Occassional Supervision Monday 15:30:00.000Z 18:30:00.000Z 11.7 PA-002296
EVE4201_23 Evere Surveillance avec activité Tuesday 15:30:00.000Z 18:30:00.000Z 249 PA-001985
EVE4202_23 Evere Surveillance sans activité Tuesday 15:30:00.000Z 18:30:00.000Z 438 PA-001986
EVE4292_23 Evere Occassional Supervision Tuesday 15:30:00.000Z 18:30:00.000Z 0 PA-002297
EVE4301_23 Evere Surveillance avec activité Wednesday 15:30:00.000Z 18:30:00.000Z 249 PA-001987
EVE4302_23 Evere Surveillance sans activité Wednesday 15:30:00.000Z 18:30:00.000Z 438 PA-001988
EVE4305_23 Evere Surveillance avec activité Wednesday 12:30:00.000Z 15:30:00.000Z 249 PA-002248
EVE4306_23 Evere Surveillance sans activité Wednesday 12:30:00.000Z 15:30:00.000Z 438 PA-002251
EVE4392_23 Evere Occassional Supervision Wednesday 15:30:00.000Z 18:30:00.000Z 0 PA-002298
EVE4396_23 Evere Occassional Supervision Wednesday 12:30:00.000Z 15:30:00.000Z 0 PA-002299
EVE4401_23 Evere Surveillance avec activité Thursday 15:30:00.000Z 18:30:00.000Z 249 PA-001989
EVE4402_23 Evere Surveillance sans activité Thursday 15:30:00.000Z 18:30:00.000Z 438 PA-001990
EVE4492_23 Evere Occassional Supervision Thursday 15:30:00.000Z 18:30:00.000Z 0 PA-002300
EVE4501_23 Evere Surveillance avec activité Friday 15:30:00.000Z 18:30:00.000Z 249 PA-001991
EVE4502_23 Evere Surveillance sans activité Friday 15:30:00.000Z 18:30:00.000Z 438 PA-001992
EVE4505_23 Evere Surveillance avec activité Friday 12:30:00.000Z 15:30:00.000Z 249 PA-002249
EVE4506_23 Evere Surveillance sans activité Friday 12:30:00.000Z 15:30:00.000Z 438 PA-002252
EVE4592_23 Evere Occassional Supervision Friday 15:30:00.000Z 18:30:00.000Z 0 PA-002301
EVE4596_23 Evere Occassional Supervision Friday 12:30:00.000Z 15:30:00.000Z 0 PA-002302
EVE5001_23 Evere STAGE || 28/08-01/09/2023 Stage Pluridisciplinaire Whole week 08:30:00.000Z 16:30:00.000Z 150 PA-000955
EVE5002_23 Evere STAGE || 04-05/09/2023 Stage pluridisciplinaire Whole week 08:30:00.000Z 16:30:00.000Z 60 PA-000958
EVE5003_23 Evere STAGE || 06 & 07/11/2023 Stage pluridisciplinaire Whole week 08:30:00.000Z 16:30:00.000Z 60 PA-002275
EVE5004_23 Evere STAGE 1 || 12-16/02/2024 Stage pluridisciplinaire Whole week 08:30:00.000Z 16:30:00.000Z 159 PA-002277
EVE5005_23 Evere STAGE 2 || 25-27/03/2024 Stage pluridisciplinaire Whole week 08:30:00.000Z 16:30:00.000Z 95.5 PA-002279
EVE5006_23 Evere STAGE 3 || 02-05/04/2024 Stage pluridisciplinaire Whole week 08:30:00.000Z 16:30:00.000Z 127.2 PA-002281
EVE5007_23 Evere STAGE 4 || 06-08/05/2024 Stage pluridisciplinaire Whole week 08:30:00.000Z 16:30:00.000Z 95.5 PA-002283
EVE9111_23 Evere Violon cours individuel Monday 15:30:00.000Z 16:00:00.000Z 1023 PA-001995
EVE9112_23 Evere Violon cours individuel Monday 16:00:00.000Z 16:30:00.000Z 1023 PA-001996
EVE9113_23 Evere Violon cours individuel Monday 16:30:00.000Z 17:00:00.000Z 1023 PA-001997
EVE9114_23 Evere Violon cours individuel Monday 17:00:00.000Z 17:30:00.000Z 1023 PA-001998
EVE9115_23 Evere Violon cours individuel Monday 17:30:00.000Z 18:00:00.000Z 1023 PA-001999
EVE9116_23 Evere Violon cours individuel Monday 18:00:00.000Z 18:30:00.000Z 1023 PA-002273
EVE9123_23 Evere Violoncelle cours individuel Monday 16:30:00.000Z 17:00:00.000Z 1023 PA-001993
EVE9124_23 Evere Violoncelle cours individuel Monday 17:00:00.000Z 17:30:00.000Z 1023 PA-001994
EVE9231_23 Evere Flûte cours individuel Tuesday 15:30:00.000Z 16:00:00.000Z 1023 PA-002000
EVE9232_23 Evere Flûte cours individuel Tuesday 16:00:00.000Z 16:30:00.000Z 1023 PA-002001
EVE9233_23 Evere Flûte cours individuel Tuesday 16:30:00.000Z 17:00:00.000Z 1023 PA-002002
EVE9234_23 Evere Flûte cours individuel Tuesday 17:00:00.000Z 17:30:00.000Z 1023 PA-002003
EVE9235_23 Evere Flûte cours individuel Tuesday 17:30:00.000Z 18:00:00.000Z 1023 PA-001830
EVE9236_23 Evere Flûte cours individuel Tuesday 18:00:00.000Z 18:30:00.000Z 1023 PA-001831
EVE9340_23 Evere Batterie cours individuel Wednesday 13:30:00.000Z 14:00:00.000Z 1023 PA-002004
EVE9341_23 Evere Batterie cours individuel Wednesday 13:00:00.000Z 13:30:00.000Z 1023 PA-002005
EVE9342_23 Evere Batterie cours individuel Wednesday 14:00:00.000Z 14:30:00.000Z 1023 PA-002007
EVE9343_23 Evere Batterie cours individuel Wednesday 14:30:00.000Z 15:00:00.000Z 1023 PA-002006
EVE9344_23 Evere Batterie cours individuel Wednesday 15:00:00.000Z 15:30:00.000Z 1023 PA-002008
EVE9345_23 Evere Batterie cours individuel Wednesday 15:30:00.000Z 16:00:00.000Z 1023 PA-002040
EVE9346_23 Evere Batterie cours individuel Wednesday 16:00:00.000Z 16:30:00.000Z 1023 PA-002041
CodeDay of weekStart Time as NumberEnd Time As NumberActivity NameTotal PriceStatusPlanned Activity ID
WOL9174 Monday 1730 1800 Piano cours individuel 965 FULL PA-000459
EVE9124_23 Monday 1700 1730 Violoncelle cours individuel 1023 PLACES AVAILABLE PA-001994
WOL2102 Monday 1730 1830 Jazz dance 330 PLACES AVAILABLE PA-000410
WOL9161 Monday 1730 1800 Guitare cours individuel 965 FULL PA-000458
WOL1108_23 Monday 1530 1630 Judo 283 PLACES AVAILABLE PA-001828
EVE9123_23 Monday 1630 1700 Violoncelle cours individuel 1023 PLACES AVAILABLE PA-001993
WOL3111 Monday 1630 1730 Echecs 299 PLACES AVAILABLE PA-000376
WOL9193 Monday 1630 1700 Flûte cours individuel 965 PLACES AVAILABLE PA-000392
WOL9173 Monday 1700 1730 Piano cours individuel 965 FULL PA-000422
WOL9151 Monday 1730 1800 Guitare cours individuel 965 FULL PA-000457
WOL9162 Monday 1800 1830 Guitare cours individuel 965 PLACES AVAILABLE PA-000483
WOL5050 Monday 830 1730 STAGE || 17/04/2023 Stage Pluridisciplinaire 0 PLACES AVAILABLE PA-000505
EVE1101_23 Monday 1530 1630 Ballet Classique 350 PLACES AVAILABLE PA-001954
EVE4102_23 Monday 1530 1830 Surveillance sans activité 438 PLACES AVAILABLE PA-001984
WOL1104 Monday 1530 1630 Football 267 PLACES AVAILABLE PA-000236
WOL1108 Monday 1630 1730 Jazz dance 330 PLACES AVAILABLE PA-000369
WOL3118 Monday 1630 1800 Théâtre en anglais 483 FULL PA-000379
WOL9172 Monday 1630 1700 Piano cours individuel 965 FULL PA-000391
WOL3104 Monday 1700 1830 Illustration 464 PLACES AVAILABLE PA-000419
WOL9123 Monday 1700 1730 Piano cours individuel 965 FULL PA-000421
WOL1106 Monday 1530 1630 Football 267 PLACES AVAILABLE PA-000444
WOL9124 Monday 1730 1800 Piano cours individuel 965 FULL PA-000456
WOL2101 Monday 1630 1800 Football 394 PLACES AVAILABLE PA-000477
WOL9152 Monday 1800 1830 Guitare cours individuel 965 FULL PA-000482
WOL9196 Monday 1800 1830 Flûte cours individuel 965 PLACES AVAILABLE PA-000485
WOL5047 Monday 830 1730 STAGE || 03-05/04/2023 Stage Guitare Électrique et Acoustique 0 PLACES AVAILABLE PA-000504
EVE3103_23 Monday 1530 1630 English for fun 350 PLACES AVAILABLE PA-001840
EVE3104_23 Monday 1630 1730 English for fun 350 PLACES AVAILABLE PA-001841
EVE1102_23 Monday 1630 1730 Ballet Classique 350 PLACES AVAILABLE PA-001955
EVE4101_23 Monday 1530 1830 Surveillance avec activité 249 PLACES AVAILABLE PA-001983
WOL4101 Monday 1515 1830 Surveillance avec activité 235 PLACES AVAILABLE PA-000225
WOL1102 Monday 1530 1630 Jazz dance 330 PLACES AVAILABLE PA-000227
WOL1107 Monday 1630 1730 Judo 267 PLACES AVAILABLE PA-000252
WOL3109 Monday 1530 1700 Dessin 464 FULL PA-000300
WOL2106 Monday 1730 1830 Karaté 330 PLACES AVAILABLE PA-000260
WOL3115 Monday 1630 1730 Cours d'anglais 293 PLACES AVAILABLE PA-000378
WOL1111 Monday 1630 1730 Badminton 267 PLACES AVAILABLE PA-000265
WOL9122 Monday 1630 1700 Piano cours individuel 965 FULL PA-000390
WOL3107 Monday 1530 1630 Guitare 394 PLACES AVAILABLE PA-000299
WOL3120 Monday 1630 1800 Film making 419 PLACES AVAILABLE PA-000412
WOL4104 Monday 1515 1830 Surveillance avec activité (S3-7) 0 PLACES AVAILABLE PA-000288
WOL3108 Monday 1700 1830 Bande dessinée 419 PLACES AVAILABLE PA-000420
WOL9194 Monday 1700 1730 Flûte cours individuel 965 PLACES AVAILABLE PA-000423
WOL1105 Monday 1530 1630 Football 267 PLACES AVAILABLE PA-000443
WOL3105 Monday 1530 1700 Bande dessinée 419 FULL PA-000297
WOL3102 Monday 1530 1630 Atelier histoires et contes en français 305 PLACES AVAILABLE PA-000296
WOL3119 Monday 1530 1630 Théâtre en français 369 PLACES AVAILABLE PA-000339
WOL9195 Monday 1730 1800 Flûte cours individuel 965 PLACES AVAILABLE PA-000460
WOL9125 Monday 1800 1830 Piano cours individuel 965 FULL PA-000481
WOL3110 Monday 1530 1630 Bricolages 299 PLACES AVAILABLE PA-000306
WOL9191 Monday 1530 1600 Flûte cours individuel 965 PLACES AVAILABLE PA-000319
WOL9175 Monday 1800 1830 Piano cours individuel 965 PLACES AVAILABLE PA-000484
WOL5037 Monday 830 1730 STAGE || 03-05/04/2023 Stage Pluridisciplinaire 0 PLACES AVAILABLE PA-000502
WOL5043 Monday 830 1730 STAGE || 03-05/04/2023 Stage Pluridisciplinaire 0 PLACES AVAILABLE PA-000503
WOL3117_23 Monday 1530 1700 Les clés de la magie 371 PLACES AVAILABLE PA-000527
WOL9171 Monday 1600 1630 Piano cours individuel 965 FULL PA-000344
EVE3110 Monday 1530 1630 Art & craft 330 FULL PA-000126
WOL9121 Monday 1600 1630 Piano cours individuel 965 FULL PA-000343
WOL9192 Monday 1600 1630 Flûte cours individuel 965 PLACES AVAILABLE PA-000345
EVE9191 Monday 1530 1600 Violon cours individuel 965 FULL PA-000129
EVE3102_23 Monday 1530 1630 Éveil musical 350 PLACES AVAILABLE PA-001967
EVE3101_23 Monday 1530 1630 Art & craft 350 FULL PA-001968
WOL3118_23 Monday 1700 1830 Les clés de la magie 371 PLACES AVAILABLE PA-000528
WOL3117 Monday 1150 1240 Théâtre en français 369 PLACES AVAILABLE PA-000192
EVE9195 Monday 1730 1800 Piano cours individuel 965 FULL PA-000181
WOL1101 Monday 1530 1630 Judo 267 PLACES AVAILABLE PA-000226
EVE1103 Monday 1730 1830 Ballet Classique 330 PLACES AVAILABLE PA-000179
EVE9102 Monday 1700 1730 Violoncelle cours individuel 965 PLACES AVAILABLE PA-000173
EVE9192 Monday 1600 1630 Violon cours individuel 965 FULL PA-000139
WOL1116 Monday 1530 1630 Karaté 330 PLACES AVAILABLE PA-000247
WOL3114 Monday 1530 1630 Théâtre en portugais 369 PLACES AVAILABLE PA-000513
WOL1113 Monday 1630 1730 Karaté 330 PLACES AVAILABLE PA-000253
WOL2104 Monday 1730 1830 Judo 267 PLACES AVAILABLE PA-000259
WOL3112 Monday 1630 1730 Guitare 394 PLACES AVAILABLE PA-000377
EVE4101 Monday 1515 1830 Surveillance avec activité 235 PLACES AVAILABLE PA-000106
EVE9103 Monday 1730 1800 Violoncelle cours individuel 965 PLACES AVAILABLE PA-000182
EVE4102 Monday 1515 1830 Surveillance sans activité 413 PLACES AVAILABLE PA-000107
EVE1102 Monday 1630 1730 Ballet Classique 330 PLACES AVAILABLE PA-000148
EVE1101 Monday 1530 1630 Ballet Classique 330 PLACES AVAILABLE PA-000108
WOL3103 Monday 1150 1240 Expression corporelle créative 330 PLACES AVAILABLE PA-000191
WOL2103 Monday 1730 1830 Badminton 267 PLACES AVAILABLE PA-000271
WOL1117 Monday 1530 1630 Expression corporelle créative 330 PLACES AVAILABLE PA-000270
EVE9194 Monday 1700 1730 Violon cours individuel 965 PLACES AVAILABLE PA-000172
WOL1114 Monday 1630 1730 Tissu aérien 369 FULL PA-000281
WOL4102 Monday 1515 1830 Surveillance sans activité 413 PLACES AVAILABLE PA-000287
WOL2105 Monday 1730 1845 Tissu aérien 369 FULL PA-000284
EVE3101 Monday 1530 1630 Éveil musical 330 PLACES AVAILABLE PA-000112
WOL3106 Monday 1530 1630 Echecs 299 FULL PA-000298
EVE3102 Monday 1630 1730 Éveil musical 330 PLACES AVAILABLE PA-000159
WOL3101 Monday 1150 1240 Cours d'anglais 293 FULL PA-000190
WOL1112 Monday 1140 1240 Jazz dance 330 PLACES AVAILABLE PA-000189
EVE9196 Monday 1800 1830 Violon cours individuel 965 PLACES AVAILABLE PA-000188
EVE9193 Monday 1630 1700 Violon cours individuel 965 FULL PA-000163
EVE9101 Monday 1630 1700 Violoncelle cours individuel 965 FULL PA-000164
EVE3111 Monday 1630 1730 Polski klubik 418 PLACES AVAILABLE PA-000165
WOL9170 Monday 1530 1600 Piano cours individuel 965 FULL PA-000318
WOL3116 Monday 1530 1630 Théâtre en anglais 369 PLACES AVAILABLE PA-000302
WOL3113 Monday 1530 1630 Cours d'anglais 293 PLACES AVAILABLE PA-000301
WOL9120 Monday 1530 1600 Piano cours individuel 965 FULL PA-000317
EVE9111_23 Monday 1530 1600 Violon cours individuel 1023 FULL PA-001995


📢 National Demonstration 📢

As announced in the national media, a demonstration will take place on 13th January 2025, which could cause disruption and create trafic.

The transport service will keep the concerned parents informed in real time about cancellations, absent monitors, etc.


📢 Manifestation Nationale 📢

Comme annoncé dans les médias nationaux, une manifestation aura lieu le 13 janvier 2025, ce qui pourrait entraîner des perturbations sur le réseau routier de la capitale.

Le service transport tiendra informé en temps réel les parents concernés par des bus annulés/sans surveillant/etc.