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Contact & Feedback

Need help ?

We’re ready to help you and your family. You can contact us through the:

  1. “Create a case” option through your Secured Zone.

  2. Reach out by email to our services

  3. Call us (see phone numbers below).


We will do our best to help solve the issues or answer your questions.

By Phone


  • Périscolaire – 02/205.58.70
  • Transport – 02/205.58.71


  • Canteen – 02/774.22.17
  • Périscolaire – 02/761.93.77
  • Transport – 02/761.93.75


The APEEE has revised its General Terms & Conditions which will be applicable as of 2024-2025 school year. We highly recommend that you carefully read the updated General Terms & Conditions which are available on our website.


Friday 19/01/2024 afternoon for departures at 15:30 and 16:20  


Updated on 19/01/2024 – 11:50