To receive the link to order mentioned below please contact
The paying parent whose child is registered for supervision and/or extracurricular activities has received this message. We apologise for the inconvenience.
As mentioned in the school message sent on Friday 12th July 2024, which you can find here, the APEEE would like to provide the link and remind parents of important information regarding the registration process for access badges for those of you with children participating in the APEEE supervision and/or in the APEEE Extracurricular Activities.
Additionally, the Afterschool Childcare Service of the Commission will also communicate a message with a link to the parents registered with the Woluwe and Evere Garderies. Please note, if your child is also registered with the Afterschool Childcare Services of the Commission, you only need to order through one of the links, not both. Otherwise, you will be charged for both if you order through both links.
Please note the following important details:
- Each access badge costs €15.
- The badges will be provided by the school.
- You need to order the badges through the link provided or the Afterschool Childcare of the Commission’s link if your child is also registered to their service.
- The badges are to be paid by the parents at the time of pick-up at the guard lodge. The payment of €15 per badge occurs through a bank application by scanning a QR code (no cash payments).
Additionally, please be aware of the following timelines:
- Badges ordered during the summer and until 16th August will be ready for pick-up at the guard lodge at the main entrance of the sites from 2nd September.
- The school cannot guarantee that badges ordered after 16th August will be ready by 2nd September; these will likely be ready 15 days after the date of request.
- Badges requested during the year will be ready for pick-up 15 days after request.
- The school will allow a grace period until 20th September, during which parents/authorised persons who have not yet received their badge will be allowed to enter the school by showing their ID card. During this period, the guards will verify that the person picking up the child(ren) is included in the database of authorised persons provided by the afterschool childcare of the Commission and the APEEE.
We kindly ask that you complete this registration process promptly to ensure the safety and security of all students & parents.
Thank you for your collaboration.
Best regards,