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Class Reps

At the beginning of each school year, parents of each class, during the first parent meeting with the class teacher(s), elect a maximum of four class representatives. They are the  link between the members of the Board and the parent community.

Class reps have two primary responsibilities, to coordinate class communications and activities and to interface with the APEEE.

  1. In relation to class parents

The class representatives are the contact persons with the class teacher and/or the other teachers, as well as the educational adviser for that class in secondary.

There are requested, together with all parents, to help the class to run smoothly or to improve the atmosphere in the class, on their own initiative, or at the request of parents or the class teacher:

  • Organising meetings with the class parents.
  • Helping with organising social gatherings, visits and other activities for the children.
  • Updating class address lists, making email lists.
  • Answering questions from new parents.
  • Helping the teacher find parents to accompany children during school trips or Footfest.
  • Helping with buying/ selling of second hand school books, etc …

For each class in Primary, there must be an Info Class Rep and a Treasurer. The other two class representatives are substitutes.  For Secondary classes, one parent will be Info Class Rep. The other three class reps have no specific mandate. 

However, in the past years, some classes have established specific working methods and allocation of tasks.

It is expected that in each class, one of the class representatives plays a role in the newly set up Welcome Group for new parents.

Networking amongst the class representatives is very much encouraged, per linguistic section and/or class level. The APEEE Secretariat might help in arranging the rooms at school. The Board members representing the linguistic sections are also committed to help and facilitate contacts.

  1. In relation to the Parents’ Association

The four class representatives shall attend the Annual General Meeting of APEEE in order to vote for the Board election.

They should be the main channel of communication between the class parents and the APEEE for any matter regarding the class.

They are invited to pass on criticisms, observations, etc., from the parents to the APEEE, as well as transmitting information from the Association to the class.

They will act as contact points of the Board when any survey or other request of information is done and they are expected to gather and transmit the information provided by the parents of their class.

Given their particular position, their tasks, and their function as full member of the APEEE, the Class Representatives are expected to act, as it is the case for the Board members, in due respect of transparency, confidentiality, loyalty, representativeness, commitment and civility and courtesy. Due discretion on the information they might have access because of their role is of particular importance. In particular, no information if marked as “confidential” by a class parent, no information can be disclosed by a Class Representative.


The APEEE has revised its General Terms & Conditions which will be applicable as of 2024-2025 school year. We highly recommend that you carefully read the updated General Terms & Conditions which are available on our website.


Friday 19/01/2024 afternoon for departures at 15:30 and 16:20  


Updated on 19/01/2024 – 11:50