The APEEE is run by volunteer parent elected for an Administrative Board, and oversees services of crucial importance to students’ life at school.
The election is taken during the Annual General Meeting (A.G.M.), where members are elected to serve a one or two-year term. Half the positions on the Board come up for election at each A.G.M. If you are interested and would like to apply, please send your application in December each year!
The Board conducts the day-to-day Association’s affairs, elects a Chairman among its members, appoints representatives on several committees, and sets up Working groups, which draft papers and/or oversee particular activities, for example, the services. These groups form the core of the Association.
Interested parents, whether elected class representatives or not, are welcome to participate in the work of these Working Groups: if you are interested, please get in touch with us!
The APEEE Board Structure for 2025 (will be available in due time).
We are pleased to introduce the strategic priorities of our Board Working Groups. These priorities have been identified to drive the APEEE’s mission and goals effectively.
APEEE Board Working Groups Priorities 2025 (will be available in due time).
Avenue Oscar Jespers 75, 1200 Woluwe St Lambert
Avenue du Bourget 30, 1140 Evere