🚨 APEEE & Police Collaborate to Check all Running Buses 🚌

Thanks to a close collaboration with the Montgomery Police Zone and Brussels Mobility, the APEEE Transport of Bxl II organised a surprise check at the Woluwe site targeting bus drivers and their vehicles. We are pleased to inform you that this check was a success, with more than ten buses checked and only one vehicle […]
The First Electric Bus is Here !

We are very pleased to announce that the long awaited first electric bus has joined the fleet! It has already made some trips, has an assigned tour and an autonomy of 260 km. This tour goes up to Schuman. You can see what the bus looks like in the pictures below. We are excited to share […]
Activate your Secured Portal before it’s too late ! + Guide

Dear Parents, The APEEE is working hard on a new IT environment to further enhance the services provided to our children and their parents. You have received multiple messages regarding the new APEEE Secured Portal, and we would like to thank all the parents who have already verified their data by accessing the new Portal and verified their data. ❗ For […]