📢❗Urgent Notice – Woluwe Canteen Menu Modified Due To Technical Issue

Dear parents,

We would like to inform you that due to an unforeseen technical issue with our kitchen equipment, the canteen team has to cancel next week’s planned menu. The canteen team is actively working to find an alternative solution and is exploring options to ensure that your child continues to receive meals until the technical issues have been resolved. We are pleased to already inform you that the menu will be as follows:

Monday 11th March
Pepinettes pasta with Bolognese sauce (allergens: gluten from wheat, milk, celery)
Tuesday 12th March
Vol au vent with wheat (allergens: milk, celery, gluten from wheat)
Wednesday 13th March
Peaches with tuna (allergens: fish, egg, mustard, sulphite), assorted raw vegetables, bread (allergens: gluten from wheat)
Thursday 14th March
Lamb gyros (allergens: celery), white cabbage salad (allergens: sulphite), pita bread (allergens: gluten from wheat) garlic sauce (allergens: milk)
Friday 15th March
Sweet corn salad, smoked bacon, lentils with carrots
Biscuit (allergens: gluten from wheat, egg, milk)

Please note that due to the change in menu for next week, there are changes in the announced list of allergens.

Please note that for the pupils registered to the afterschool childcare services of the European Commission, there are no changes to the published menu.

To keep you informed, we will be updating the canteen menu on our website. Starting this Monday, you are invited to visit our website to view the menu for rest of the days of the week.

We understand the inconvenience this may cause and sincerely apologise for any disruption to your child’s meal arrangement. We thank you in advance for your understanding and patience.

If you have any questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to reach out to cantine@woluweparents.org

Best regards,


National Strike on 13th February 2025 đź“Ł

As announced in the national media, a strike will take place on 13th February 2025, which could cause disruption and create trafic.

The transport service will keep the concerned parents informed in real time about cancellations, absent supervisors, etc.

We understand that this may cause inconvenience and would like to thank you in advance for your understanding and patience during this exceptional circumstance. We will do our best to minimise disruption.

Best regards, 

APEEE Bxl II Transport

Grève nationale le 13 février 2025 📣🚌

Comme annoncé dans les médias nationaux, une grève aura lieu le 13 février 2025, ce qui pourrait entraîner des perturbations sur le réseau routier de la capitale.

Le service transport tiendra informé en temps réel les parents concernés au sujet d’annulation, absence de surveillants, etc.

Nous comprenons que cela peut causer des désagréments et nous tenons à vous remercier d’avance de votre compréhension et patience en cette circonstance exceptionnelle. Nous ferons de notre mieux pour minimiser les perturbations.

Bien Ă  vous,

APEEE Bxl II TransportÂ