Le Conseil d’administration se réunit au minimum 10 fois par an. Les rapports de ces réunions sont disponibles ci-dessous.
C.A 2025
C.A 2024
President’s note to the Register : In view of the very full timetable of Board meetings during the past months, it was not possible to proceed to a discussion/vote on 13/05/2024, 06/06/2024, 27/06/2024, 19/09/2024, 14/10/2024, 19&10/11/2024, 09/12 & 12/12 & 16/12/2024 Board minutes, as the addition of personal statements was disputed.
In view of the legal advice we received on the matter in September 2024, statements which contain personal disputes have no place in Board business. These have not been included in the minutes.
As President and chairman of these meetings, I confirm that these minutes correspond to events at the respective meetings.
C.A 2023
C.A 2022
C.A 2021
C.A 2020
Documents reprenant les décisions prises par les Conseil d’administration
Avenue Oscar Jespers 75, 1200 Woluwe St Lambert
Avenue du Bourget 30, 1140 Evere