Organisation du système des E.E

EE System

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Organisation of the European Schools

Board of Governors

A great deal of useful, and at times very detailed, information on the European School system can be found on the Board of Governors’ website:
For educational questions, finance, and administration the Board of Governors is the final decision-making body. The Board of Governors meets three times a year: in October for general business, in January for educational matters (enlarged committee), in April for budget and financial issues. Each member has one vote. Decisions are usually taken unanimously.


Members who can vote:

  • A representatives of each Member State (one vote per delegation)
  • A representative of the European Commission
  • A representative of the European Patent Office (Munich).

The following representatives can participate but not vote:

  • The representative of the Board of Governors and his deputy.
  • The Heads of the European Schools.
  • Two parents.
  • Two teachers.

At the January meeting the european schools inspectors, two parents representatives of each Association, and two teachers representatives of each school may also attend.
Teaching: The Board of Governors decides on the orientation and organisation of teaching (curricula, timetable, general instructions for choosing methods, exam regulations, etc.).
Finances: The Board of Governors decides on the budget of the schools, which is proposed by each school administrative board. It also grants discharges to the administrative boards after the annual closing of the accounts.

Secretary General of the Board of Governors

Between sessions of the Board of Governors, the Secretary General (also called the representative of the Board of Governors) represents it, and chairs meetings of the administrative board of each European School.

Enrolment Policy: Highlights

Duties of the Central Enrolment Authority created end of 2006:

  • To draw up and publish a clear enrolment policy each year.
  • To ensure a balanced distribution of pupils between the Brussels schools in global terms and between the language sections and to ensure the optimal use of the schools’ resources to serve pupils’ needs and ensure pedagogical continuity.
  • To perform a constant monitoring of the evolution of pupil populations in the various language sections and schools.

The Authority shall meet again each year as often as it sees fit during the period from 1st March to the end of the school year in order to monitor the on-going administration of the enrolment procedure in the schools on the basis of the evolving predictions of numbers in classes for the following school year.

  • The Secretary General of the European Schools (President)
  • A representative of the European Commission (representing EU institutions).
  • The Directors of the European Schools of Brussels.
  • A representative of parents.
  • A representative of the authorities of the host country.
Preparatory Committees:

Matters for discussion and decision by the Board of Governors are first studied by preparatory committees: the Administration and Financial Committee (CAF) and the Teaching Committees.

Administrative and Financial Committee:

This committee of experts has a similar composition to the Financial Committee of the Council of Ministers. Its responsibility is to examine the financial implications of council decisions and the budgets of the individual schools. This committee meets several times a year.

Board of Inspectors:

There are two Boards of Inspectors, one for the Kindergarten (Maternelle) and Primary, and the other for Secondary. They are made up of the national inspectors. These inspectors, who also have responsibilities to their own national governments, visit classes, give instructions to the Head (Director) of each school and to the teachers, and submit proposals for curricula and teaching methods to the Board of Governors.
Pedagogical committee:
These meet twice a year to prepare proposals which have to be approved by the Board of Governors. Only the inspectors can vote on these proposals. There is a Teaching Committee for Primary, and one for Secondary, which together form the Joint Teaching Committee.

  • The inspectors (one for each Member State for Primary and/or Secondary).
  • The representative of the Board of Governors and his deputy.
  • The representative of the European Commission.
  • The Heads (Directors) of the schools and their deputies.
  • Two representatives of the Primary and/or Secondary teachers.
  • Two representatives of the parents for Primary and/or Secondary

The representatives of the parents’ associations of all European Schools meet before each meeting of the Teaching Committee and the Board of Governors to coordinate their work, to exchange information, and to prepare common proposals to the Board of Governors. Delegates of each parents’ association represent Interparents in the meetings of the Teaching Committees.

Teacher’s Representatives

The national Ministries of Education appoint full-time teachers at the schools. Part-time teachers – “chargés de cours” – are locally hired by the Director. Each year the teachers elect their representatives who will participate in meetings of the Board of Governors and Committees.

School EEBII

School website:

Administrative Board of the School

Meets three times a year. The Administrative Board draws up the school budget and oversees its implementation.

Members who can vote:
  • The representative of the Board of Governors (he chairs).
  • The representative of the European Commission.
  • The representative of associated institutions (EUROCONTROL in the case of the Woluwe School).
  • The Head (Director) of the school.
  • Two teachers’ representatives (one for Primary and one for Secondary).
  • Two parents’ representatives (the President and Vice-President of the APEEE)
  • The representative of the administrative staff of the school (PAS: Personnel Administratif et de Service de l’école).

Other persons attending without voting rights:

  • The Deputy Representative of the Board of Governors
  • The Deputy Heads (Directors)
  • The Bursar of the school.
  • Pupils’ representatives (at part of the meetings).
The Head (director)

He is appointed by the Board of Governors, and is responsible for the administration of the school and for the coordination of the curricula in accordance with the guidelines laid down by the Board of Governors, the Inspection Committee, and the Administrative Board, both for Primary and Secondary. He is assisted by two Deputy Heads (Directors) of the Primary and Secondary.

Enlarged Primary and Secondary Education Committees

(Conseils d’éducation élargis du primaire et du secondaire) The committees discuss all matters concerning the day-to-day functioning of the school.

  • The Head (Director) of the school.
  • The Deputy Head (Director) of Secondary or Primary.
  • Teacher representatives.
  • Parents’ representatives.
  • Pupils’ representatives (in the Secondary Committee only).
  • The representative of the administrative staff of the school (PAS: Personnel Administratif et de Service de l’école).
Educational Advisers (Conseillers d’éducation)

There are 9, each having responsibility for one year of the Secondary school. They supervise discipline and safety in the Secondary school and undertake administrative tasks, including checking on absences. They play an important role in relations between pupils, parents, teachers, and the school management. They are concerned with the integration of pupils, individual problems, group problems, counselling of pupils, etc. The Principal Education Supervisor attends the Enlarged Education Committee of the Secondary School.

National Strike on 13th February 2025 📣

As announced in the national media, a strike will take place on 13th February 2025, which could cause disruption and create trafic.

The transport service will keep the concerned parents informed in real time about cancellations, absent supervisors, etc.

We understand that this may cause inconvenience and would like to thank you in advance for your understanding and patience during this exceptional circumstance. We will do our best to minimise disruption.

Best regards, 

APEEE Bxl II Transport

Grève nationale le 13 février 2025 📣🚌

Comme annoncé dans les médias nationaux, une grève aura lieu le 13 février 2025, ce qui pourrait entraîner des perturbations sur le réseau routier de la capitale.

Le service transport tiendra informé en temps réel les parents concernés au sujet d’annulation, absence de surveillants, etc.

Nous comprenons que cela peut causer des désagréments et nous tenons à vous remercier d’avance de votre compréhension et patience en cette circonstance exceptionnelle. Nous ferons de notre mieux pour minimiser les perturbations.

Bien à vous,

APEEE Bxl II Transport