Woluwe school now the most overcrowded ever

Giles Houghton-Clarke, President

Woluwe school is now at a record level of 3,181 pupils. The capacity is 2850, so we are way beyond what the school can accommodate. Of course all the new pupils are welcome and we hope everyone finds their place in the school and participates in the great community we have here. Nevertheless, it is clear to all that the school over population has reached breaking point; corridors are becoming dangerously crowded and noisy, preventing pupils getting to classes on time and risking accidents on the stairs; as there are no longer enough classrooms available some pupils have lessons whilst eating lunch, with no break from mid morning to the end of the school day; many science lessons cannot be conducted in labs because there are not enough facilities; pupils’ agendas have study periods scattered throughout the day and for some, there is no study room available during these periods so they have nowhere to work; classroom shortages mean teachers have nowhere to prepare lessons and mark work etc, etc.

The whole school community are united in agreeing this situation is unsustainable and must be addressed. The problem is that the population of the Brussels schools increases by net 400 pupils each year. The Belgian Federal Government has failed to create additional school capacity to keep up. This is not a new problem; since 2013 it has been known by all parties that a 5th European School was needed in Brussels by 2018, but because of inaction, work has not yet started and so it is currently only predicted to be ready in 2026. Although the Federal authorities proposed a stop-gap solution by converting an office block at Arts-Loi to create 1000 additional places, this was far from enough to address the need and was unsuitable as premises for a school. Fortunately, there has now been a re-think on this and instead a new 1500 pupils temporary school is proposed for the NATO site, next to where the new 5th School will be built. This is the solution that parents proposed so we are of course pleased. The latest news is that a decision on this will be taken by the Belgian authorities in the next few weeks, and if all goes to plan, the new temporary school will open in 2021.

Welcome as this news is, it provides no solution for Secondary pupils, who are bearing the brunt of much of the overcrowding problems, and it will not address the issue of how to accommodate the additional 400 pupils coming into the Brussels schools in 2020. The Brussels APEEEs are therefore requesting that if new capacity is not made available by 2020, there must be a serious discussion at the Board of Governors about prioritising access to the Brussels schools - because there simply is no more room! We are also asking for the European Commission to take a bigger role. It is through Commission staff contracts that the school overcrowding situation is caused, therefore it has a key responsibility in finding a solution, and given its far greater leverage towards the Belgian Federal authorities, the Commission also has more means at its disposal to bring this about.

We will keep you posted on developments. Feel free to share with the APEEE your personal experiences of the overcrowding - these are useful in bringing the impact home to those responsible for the situation. Please also use your contacts in the Institutions to send the message about the terrible strain chronic overcrowding is placing on the basic fabric of the Brussels schools. The problems can be fixed if there is the commitment to do so from all parties and the necessary sense of urgency and determination to make it happen.

New Marking System rollout proceeds - but issues with regard to university access in some countries persist

Giles Houghton-Clarke, President

Parents in Secondary will by now be aware that the grading system for pupils' work has changed. Previously pass grades were from 6 to 10, now the pass grade is 5. The quality of work required to achieve a pass has remained the same, but teachers now have a wider spread of marks to choose from. It inevitably means that pupils will often be getting lower grades than previously, because of the lowering of the pass mark, which has often caused confusion. There is however much more to this change than just changing the pass mark; the whole logic behind grade allocation and indeed teaching and assessment in general has been changed to what is known as ‘competence based assessment’. This means that instead of marks being allocated based on just getting correct answers, the pupils need to demonstrate subject mastery across a number of skills, set for each grade level. To receive a higher grade pupils need to have demonstrated a high level of attainment in several skills / skill groups. For example to receive a grade 5 a pupil should need to recall basic knowledge but for a grade 9 the requirement is to show critical analysis and use of knowledge in unfamiliar problems. The competencies and criteria for measuring pupils’ attainment is defined for each subject, as are the learning goals, so theoretically, pupils giving the same answers will get the same grade, irrespective of teacher, school or section. That, anyhow, is the goal.

The APEEE fully supports this move to competence based learning, because it provides a standardised way of teaching and learning that makes clear to pupils exactly what is required to gain a higher grade. For teachers it provides a framework for creating a balanced course programme, for setting assignments and exams and for allocating grades that is based on a skills attainment ladder which is logical, tied to the curriculum and facilitates productive conversations with parents and pupils about performance.

However, no new system comes without bumps in the road. The new marking scheme will not achieve standardised and harmonised teaching and assessment overnight - there will inevitably be a journey whereby teachers and pupils alike get used to the new system. Much work has been done at the school to train teachers in the new system and further work is being undertaken to monitor how it is working out, in particular with respect to checking that grades are being properly allocated, in a harmonised way, across subjects and sections. The Brussels APEEEs and Interparents are in regular communication with the Office of the Secretary General about this, in particular pushing for a high degree of quality assurance on the implementation, and mitigation measures in the event of unexpected BAC outcomes. This is a productive conversation and all parties are committed to making the new marking system work. So far it has only been applied up to S5, but for the current S6 pupils, it will form the basis of their BAC assessment and it is also being applied in their normal course marks as from now. It is important therefore that our teachers and school managers get the implementation right, because the BAC is a life-opportunity defining exam!

The area that perhaps is currently of most concern is what is known as ‘Equivalence Tables’. This is the way that BAC grades are converted into national exam equivalents for university admissions. As the New Marking System changes the grade range by introducing the 5 as a passmark and the new assessment method impacts the grade distribution, these ‘Equivalence Tables’ need to be updated. While this should be a process led by the Board of Governors, in reality member states are going their own way. Germany, in particular, recast its equivalence table to lower the value of the European School BAC immediately after the NMS was published. This will make it much more difficult for European School pupils to access certain courses at German universities requiring a high grade. A great deal of work is being undertaken both by parents and by the Office of the Secretary General to address this issue, though so far without success in the German example. The tables for all member states are being developed at present hence we do not have an overview of the tendency. Downgrading of the European BAC through changes to equivalence tables which are not based on a thorough knowledge of the new system will be very bad news for our pupils. It needs to be closely monitored. We will keep you posted with information updates. If you have any comments or concerns about the the New Marking System, please contact the APEEE. We collect these issues and pass them on to the school management.

The European Schools Science Symposium:
winning EEB 2 students announced!

Sanjee Goonetilake, Natalia Karpenko, Elita Petraitiene

The European School Science Symposium (ESSS) is an annual competition open to S1 to S7 students of the European Schools. Individuals or groups of up to 3 students, guided by a teacher-mentor, are encouraged to explore an area of scientific interest of their choice, not normally covered by the European Schools’ science syllabus. This school year the ESSS will be hosted by the European School Karslruhe, Germany, in April 2020. Nine students from EEB2 will participate.

Prior to the actual Science Symposium (esss.wp.eursc.eu), a Science Competition Day is held in the participating European schools. At EEB2, this is an annual event which the school runs at the end of November to encourage pupils from S1 to S6 to develop their interest in science and to undertake their own science projects. The deadline for applications is the end of October. There are prizes for the best projects, but the real value lies in the what pupils get from participating; developing a concept, either on their own or with others, undertaking the science to investigate the issue and then presenting the results to a judging panel. It’s a great learning experience that everyone enjoys.

How did it go at EEB2 this year?
We invite you to follow the events in reverse chronological order.

The announcement of the winners of the Competition Day on Friday, November 29th

After at least three months of hard work it was announced on Friday, November 29th, which students had won the Science Competition at our school and will now participate at the ESSS in Karlsruhe in April 2020. Our warmest congratulations go the following teams and individual young researchers:

  • Eimantas Petraitis, Elze Kisieliute and Gediminas Gricius (S2LTA)
  • Martin Rezessy (S3FRC) and Gustavs Grecihins (S3FRB)
  • Francesco Spinielli, Alessia Papaldo and Sofia Bergdahl (S3ITA)
  • Sarnath Gesquiere (S2NLA)

The announcement of the winners of the Science Competition at EEB2 on November 29th, 2019

The four winning teams were selected by science teachers using the criteria ‘concept’, ‘originality’, ‘research process and outcome’, ‘presentation’ and ‘significance’.

Additionally, there was a public vote done by visiting students during the Science Competition Day on November 22nd: they could choose which projects they liked most. The students were very excited, they debated and discussed whom to vote for and which projects were the most interesting. For the first time, the primary school classes also came to visit and the students bonded with the older students asking questions with curiosity. The first public vote prize went to Francesco Spinielli, Alessia Papaldo and Sofia Bergdahl (S3ITA) who did a project on an ecological house. The second – to Sarnath Gesquire (S2NLA) who explored if tropical tubers can generate electricity.

This is the gist of it: our students are on and science is a hot topic at EEB2! The students were congratulated by the organizers of the Science Competition at our school, the physics and chemistry teacher Ms. Wintzer-Perrot and the physics teacher Mr. Thorwath (second on the left), the Deputy Director of the secondary cycle Mr. Joachim Schmelz and the Director of EEB2 Ms. Kamila Malik. All participants of the Science Competition Day on November 22nd, whether they have won the competition or not, have received a special prize from the director: a trip to the science experiment and play center Technopolis in Mechelen, Belgium, on December 18th.

The Science Competition Day at EEB2 on Friday, November 22nd

However, this fantastic achievement is just the tip of the iceberg. The story behind the announcement of the winners on November 29th is much richer than the dry fact. We invite you to take a walk with two board members of our parents’ association, Sanjee Goonetilake and Elita Petratiene, along the stands of our students during the Science Competition Day on November 22nd and catch a glimpse of what was going on.

The Day itself was actually the result of everything which happened in the months before: the teachers encouraging their students to engage in a scientific project, the students working on the projects, their parents supporting them, and Mr. Jörg Thorwart and Ms. Wintzer-Perrot, the orginizers of the competition, coordinating all the efforts. As the pictures above show, there was an introduction by the organizers and a general presentation of the projects, posters with explanations, as well as the actual stands where the students could show how their projects work and the visiting students could ask questions, touch, taste, experience.

What are the winning projects?

Eimantas Petraitis, Elze Kisieliute and Gediminas Gricius (S2LTA): How do people behave at a self-service stand?

We wanted to see how people behave at a self-service stand when they are allowed to take only one Coca-Cola per person for free under the following circumstances: no observers, a picture of a face or a camera pointing to the stand. We also compared behavior differences among men and women.

Our main aim is to see how different are human reactions near a camera (which is a human created technology and human brains are not meant to react to it) or a photo of a face (which human brains are meant to react to).

Martin Rezessy (S3FRC) and Gustavs Grecihins (S3FRB): Is there a connection between classroom seating and performance?

Our project is about seating arrangements in classrooms, so where you sit in the classroom, and performance: whether or not these two factors influence your performance. We haven’t find out anything special yet because two of our tests had different results. They were not valid because in one the classes people cheated a lot and in the other lots of people had bad grades, so you can’t really compare these tests. We didn’t really have a conclusion yet.

Francesco Spinielli, Alessia Papaldo and Sofia Bergdahl (S3ITA): How can your home be ecological?
Alessia explains:

The fish in the aquarium soil the water, it becomes dirty. The water goes to the clay bubbles with bacteria who change the water composition and the water becomes nutritious for plants (peas). The plants also change the water composition and it becomes of good enough quality to go back to the aquarium.

The purpose of the project is to research how a house can be climate and animal friendly – using rain water, solar energy and recycling. It was not possible to use solar energy inside, so we used batteries for the model here. We found that it is more efficient to cultivate plants in aquaponics than in soil. To improve the house, it is better to use good isolation, use home appliances A+, beehives, compost and do not waste anything. The conclusion is – it is possible!

Sarnath Gesquiere (S2NLA): Can you produce electricity from tropical tubers?

My project is about how you can generate electricity from tropical tubers. Fourteen percent of the world population does not have access to electricity. There are many people who are looking for renewable energies due to climate change and lack of access to electricity. The university of Jerusalem is one of them. Their research is on generating electricity from potatoes. However, in areas of Africa with lack of access to electricity, there is a lack of commercial cultivation of potatoes because of the climate. It’s mainly expats who eat potatoes in Africa and they need to be imported. But there are lots of other tubers like cassava. So my project is to find out if you can use tropical tubers instead of potatoes. I did 60 experiments on 8 different types of tubers. The results are shown in a graph and there are three other tubers that generate even more electricity than the potato: the red sweet potato, the malabo, and the yam. What was the most fun part of doing this? I think, being able to produce up to 15 volts by cutting tubers in pieces.

Why is the Science Symposium so special?

Mr. Arunas Krikstaponis (science teacher, Lithuanian section, secondary):

The Science Symposium is something that I like very much. Every year I encourage my students to participate because I believe that this is a great opportunity for them to express themselves, to discover something new and also to compare their achievements with those of other students. If we talk about the future, for many students this is a good kick off, a good start for something more, for college or for pursuing an engineering degree and the like. Especially younger students are very curious, they are very enthusiastic, and I’m very glad. But of course, starting from S4 perhaps, they don’t have that much optimism, mostly because they are very busy with B-tests and exams, they are preoccupied with those things and then there is not much time for other experiments.

Because honestly, if you want to do well, you’ll have to invest much of your spare time to prepare, to do research and carry out the experiments. But again: it’s a huge opportunity for all to try, to experience science yourself. And of course, if you go to the final, you go to another school, that’s also a great opportunity to meet other teams and other students. The Science Symposium is a fantastic thing, I must say.

How can you promote the Science Symposium? How can parents help?

Ms. Sanita Ozolina (Latvian language and literature):

It’s very nice to have this science symposium. I think it’s fantastic that teachers organize this for young students, starting from the first years of secondary. I come from a Baltic state and in our country it’s quite common that young students are doing excellent projects; young people can do it very well already at a very early age. Practical experience is more important at this age then theory: to do and to try things out as you see it happening here. It’s very important that the parents know about projects like this one because sometimes the information does not reach the parents, it stays at the students’ level. The parents could then say something supportive to their child: just try it. Ok, there is school and football, but this is also an experience, a very good one.

How did the primary students experience the Science Competition Day?

Ms. Niina Viima (P5FI):

Very well-organized, I’m super happy about this project. We get to meet secondary pupils, my P5 students seem to be very enthusiastic, it’s a lot of learning by doing and a lot of experimental learning. I see a nice cooperation between primary and secondary pupils. The students are still here [at the Science Competition site]. We were supposed to finish half an hour ago but they are still here enjoying.

What is going to happen next year?

Ms. Wintzer-Perrot, a physics and chemistry teacher and an organizer:

A very positive and surprising thing that every year projects are at very high scientific level and students prepare them by themselves.

This year we had only 7 groups of participants and it is a bit of a pity. We would like to find a solution and to motivate everyone to participate more.

Mr. Thorwath, a physics teacher and an organizer:

We are looking for students to compete with other European schools at the European Science Symposium. This year we had only S1 to S3 students so we would be happy to have all students as well, so go for it for next year!

How did the parents of the parents association help and what are the plans for next year?

The school community building team of the APEEE worked together with the science teachers in charge and produced an information email to the parents to give support to their children. Since only the students were aware of this event, this year for the first time, the parents have been informed and hopefully this will bring in a new trend to promote science education and also promote innovative new skills. Our objective for next year is to promote the science fair before the summer and make the event more democratic by getting more students involved.

World Teachers’ Day 2019 at EEB2

Natalia Karpenko

A heartfelt thank you to all our teachers on World Teachers day!
Merci à tous les professeurs de l’école! Joyeuse journée des professeurs!
Danke an alle unsere Lehrer. Happy Weltlehrertag!!

On Friday, October 4th, the teachers of EEB2 could read this thank you word in twenty-three languages – all coming from the parents of our school. The whole of the APEEE and especially its School Community Building Team had been working already a few weeks before the date to make this day special for our teachers. Their smiles and their feedback of ‘feeling appreciated!’ told us that all the efforts had not been in vain.

What exactly was going on at school on October 4th? From the early morning the teachers were pleasantly surprised by beautiful flowers, some chocolates and fruit in the teachers’ rooms presented to them by the Parent Association as a token of appreciation. They also received a message from the President of the APEEE forwarded to them by the Director of the school and expressing gratitude in twenty-three languages. This multi-lingual thank you message could also be seen on the displays in the canteen during the lunch break.

And the students? They overwhelmed their favourite teachers with all kinds of gestures of appreciation, from heartfelt words and handshakes to self-made cards and flowers. Even more than usual, the students, the teachers and the parents were part of a close-knit school community on that day.

The APEEE would like to thank all the EEB2 parents, the management of the school and Ms Kamila Malik personally for supporting the APEEE in its secret action to make this day special for our teachers.

Global Climate Strike in Brussels on September 20th:
Parents, students and teachers of EEB2 stood up as one

Natalia Karpenko

What do we want? – Climate justice!
When do we want it? – Now!

On Friday, on September 20th, 2019, this slogan united 4 million people around the world who laid down their other activities and marched together in the Global Climate Strike. In Brussels, over 15 thousand individuals joined the action and marched from the North Station up to the European Parliament.

For the first time in the history of EEB2, parents, teachers and students of all levels at EEB2 joined forces pleading for a better policy on climate-related issues. A true school community spirit united the people under the EEB2 banner. The School Community Building working group of the APEEE is grateful to the school management for the opportunity that had been given to promote civil education and critical thinking skills.

Why did all these parents, students and teachers decide to spend their Friday afternoon demonstrating? Below – a handful of points of view.

‘I think it’s very important that as many people as possible join this strike because it’s a very big problem not only for us but for generations to come. We need to raise more awareness, there needs to be more action done.’ - Hanna, S7 student, Swedish section

‘I’m here to represent our kids. I think it’s quite unfair to ask our children to skip school because adults can’t take the responsibility. Actually, we think that wisdom comes with age but if you look around it seems that wisdom comes with youth.’ - Katarzyna, parent, English-language section

I don’t want turtles in the sea to swallow plastic. In the summer I saw a turtle who had plastic in its belly, it couldn’t fish for food any more, I had so much pity for it. And I’d also like that they would cut fewer trees because we can’t live without trees.’ - Yarina Elettra, MAT pupil, Italian section

Sonja and Ahimsa, P3 pupils, Dutch-language section

‘I don’t want to see that many cars around, because of them it gets hotter on our planet and many animal species go extinct.’ – Sonja

‘I think it’s important that presidents and all others do something before it’s too late. I think it’s important that there are more trees planted.’ – Ahimsa

‘I went today in the morning to a conference on the climate and I missed a huge lunch for free to be here. So this is my dedication of today: I do it in my free time.’ - Bettina, parent, German-language section

‘We started out last year in S6, now we are all in S7. In this time we’ve been organizing ourselves in a peer group. Our goal is to give young people a platform to express themselves on climate-related issues and especially on climate change. And the second part is the ecology group: that’s where we do events and activities within the school. We are here today because it’s all rooted in the climate change and us wanting to get the scientists heard.’ - Katriina, S7 student, Finnish section

‘As teachers we regularly work on the topics of environment and climate change, our programs and the school management encourage us in this, and this is normal. But it seems to me inconsistent to talk about it in the class room, in a theoretical way, and not to support concrete actions that would make it possible to change the matter. Obviously, one shouldn’t encourage students to skip classes at any time; I don’t think they should do it systematically every week, such events can be done on weekends as well. Nevertheless, when there are such manifestation at the global level, I believe we should participate because they become an almost historical happening which influences significantly the public opinion on the subject as well as how the leaders look at it’ - Virginie, teacher of the secondary school

‘Since I was young I saw the problems coming up, and now as my children grow up it’s getting even worse. We have a chance to come here now and to support them.
We have to change small things – that’s what we can do on our own, but bigger things like the initiatives from the factories – that’s important to change as well. That’s why politicians are asked to take action.’ - Maria, parent, German -language section

Zéro Déchets, Zero Waste. The Italian stand at Footfest 2019

This year, our school decided to go for a “0 Déchets - 0 Waste” Footfest, a very challenging goal for our community; our team was thrilled at the idea of setting up an environmentally friendly stand.

Spring time is also Footfest time at EBB2 and this year was no exception. As it is customary in our section, the Italian stand was the responsibility of P5ITA: by serving homemade typical dishes of our cuisine, we managed to collect 2.599,16 euros to support the selected charity projects.

Based on the advice of a number of local associations with a focus on no-waste related matters, among which Alma Sana and Zero Waste Belgium, we decided to put into practice a bundle of simple yet effective measures, such as:

  1. food easy to be served on paper sheets (following the Italian street food tradition); for plates and cutlery, we have only used paper/bamboo or wooden items;
  2. drinks in re-usable hard plastic glasses; to such aim, we have rented 800 glasses from a specialized Belgian enterprise, Rekwup. Clients were requested to pay a 1 euro ticket as deposit, to be given back upon return of the glass (we also awarded a small prize in candies to our youngest guests). We took time to explain this initiative to people, also with the help of a poster prepared by our children;
  3. water exclusively in glass bottles (returnable);
  4. no can nor tetrapak for soft drinks; the few bottles we had purchased have been subsequently recycled while caps have been donated to BAH Bouchons d'Aide aux Handicapés (https://bah.blog4ever.com/qui-sommes-nous), located in Braine-l'Alleud;
  5. glass, ceramic, china cups and steel spoons to serve coffee and cappuccinos – everything was made available by some parents of the Italian section (it is also notable that some people have brought their own cup from home!);
  6. the banner of our stand “Bruxelles – Italia” was made out of an old sheet.

We had also organized a corner for the sale of recycled objects crafted by children with parents’ help: for instance, coffee capsules in aluminum and tomato cans were given a second life to create jewellery and small jars.

Last but not least, we have also tried our best to comply with the applicable rules for waste separation collection (organic waste, paper, plastic, glass): at the end of the day, we only had three bags of non-recyclable waste, with no use of black bags.

All expenses were covered thanks to generous donations from the parents of our section.

We are very satisfied with the results of our work and the best award for us would be if the School continued our eco-actions (re-usable glasses, waste separation, etc.) on a larger scale, so as to make the advantages available to the school in the long term. Why shouldn’t EEB2 strive to obtain the “Eco-schools” certificate by Bruxelles Environnement?

This experience has shown us that grassroots actions, not requiring such a big effort, can easily increase awareness of sustainable consumption. Good intents and resolutions are not enough; they are just words if we do not put them into practice in our everyday life. The most difficult part is to take the first step.

Here is a list of websites of some “0 Waste” organizations in the Brussels area.

Discovering the APEEE bus transportation service

What if you were offered a ride to your work by a bus filled with joyful people singing and having fun? To have a professional driver taking care of the route, and a “hostess” being attentive to your well-being on board? Pia Pistol, a member of the APEEE board took a test ride with the children on a school bus on a Wednesday morning.

It is a cold and rainy Wednesday morning when I step out of the front door of my home. Everything is grey and I miss the warmth of my bed when I hold tight my umbrella and walk towards the bus stop. I reach the stop at the same time with the bus, and impatiently wait for my turn to enter the vehicle. However, I make sure everybody else has boarded the bus before I climb the stairs to the bus. After all, this is a school bus, and I am today the only grown up passenger allowed on board the vehicle filled with pupils that all have the same destination: the European School Brussels II in Woluwe Saint Lambert.

In the bus I am, like everybody else, greeted with a radiant smile by Fatoumata Barry, the bus supervisor, and a kind word of welcome by Christophe, the driver. I fold my wet umbrella and take a seat on the front row of the bus. I take a look back at the children that have sat down and are buckling up their seat belts with the help of Fatoumata. The bus is filled with children’s chatter and giggling and all of a sudden the day feels quite a bit less grey and more joyful.

Fatoumata, or Fatou, tells me that she is a bus supervisor for two years. It is her first job since she arrived to Belgium from Conakry, the capital of Guinea, in 2015. In addition to her work as a bus supervisor she also works in the school canteen during lunchtime, and as a cleaning lady in the evenings. Her workdays are long and include several gaps in between, but she says she is nevertheless happy to have a stable job. “The best part of this job is being in contact with children” Fatou says, and it is easy to believe it when you see the young woman communicate with ease with the little passengers of the bus who do not always share a common language with her.

Fatou notes every pupil present in the bus in her tablet, using an application that has been tailor- made for the APEEE bus service. The application records the names of the children and the exact time they have boarded the bus. Once the check-in is complete and everybody is buckled up, the bus departs, heading for the next stop of this round. There are a total of five stops on this round, and around 40 pupils board the bus every morning.

The bus ride to school is scheduled to take no more than 45 minutes. However, as often happens in the Brussels region traffic, unforeseen events can cause delays, and today happens to be one of those days. All of a sudden the bus stops in the middle of a tiny crossroads, and is unable to continue due to a roadblock. Christophe quickly assesses the situation and states that it will not be possible to go straight; turning left or right is not a possibility either. Behind the bus other vehicles are starting to queue, and we can hear by the beeping of horns that they are not happy about it. The situation very quickly escalates outside the bus, with commune workers trying to find a solution, a police officer giving orders to everybody, and the unhappy drivers of the cars blocked by the bus expressing their anger in different ways.

Inside the bus the children are asking Fatou what is going on. Some are excited, others anxious, and Fatou deems it necessary to go and speak to the children, sit with them, help them wait patiently. She also exchanges with Christophe and calls the APEEE bus service coordination office to inform the colleagues of the situation and the inevitable delay for this round.

After a 20-minute wait, the situation is resolved and the bus can continue its ride. Fatou is back on the front seat with me and I ask her to describe the ideal person for a job as a bus supervisor. She says that it is essential that the person likes to work with children, and has a security awareness. “The ideal bus supervisor also has pedagogical and team work skills – the supervisor and the driver work as a team after all!” adds Christophe. I decide to ask the children’s views and receive a common assessment without any hesitation: Fatou is “kind and attentive” whereas Christophe is found to be “funny and kind”.

This bus seems indeed to be quite special. When we are getting closer to our destination, Christophe asks the children to sing their favourite bus song, and immediately the bus is filled with the melody of the song “Au feu les pompiers”, but with lyrics that refer not to firefighters but rather to a mysterious “Monsieur Moustache” that sometimes visits the bus. I am also told that it often happens that one very special passenger of the bus pretends to have fallen asleep at the destination, and expects Christophe to pick him up and carry him out of the bus. And Christophe is happy to play along.

Upon our arrival to school with a 20-minute delay, we are welcomed by supervisors that gather the children and escort them safely to the school grounds. While Fatou proceeds to a checkout of the passengers on her tablet, another supervisor goes inside the bus to make sure nobody has stayed in. I collect my belongings, thank Fatou and Christophe for the good company, and follow the children.

Now that I am on the spot, I decide to go and take a sneak peak in the APEEE transportation coordination service. A team of four persons, working in shifts, is in charge of the bus transportation service that has a yearly budget of 3,5 million euros. When I enter their office, located in the prefabs, the atmosphere is dynamic and friendly. At 8h30 the work is in full swing with phones ringing and team members exchanging info in the open space office. I am welcomed by Reggy Du Moulin, manager of the transport service, and by his deputy Ferhan Pelister, who both kindly agree to talk to me about their work.

“We see our job first and foremost as a provision of a service, with an important focus on customer service” says Reggy. There is a lot of contacts with the parents both by e-mail and over the phone. In addition to calls relating to the daily operations, the office receives requests for the creation of new stops, responds to complaints and so forth. Another important task is the coordination with the bus companies that the APEEE has contracts with (changes concerning the drivers, bus stops or routes).

According to Ferhan, there is no such a thing than a typical day in the coordination service. There are however peaks in the phone activity, and those are at around the times when the buses are on their rounds; between 7h and 8h30 in the mornings and 15h and 17h30 in the afternoons. The rest of the time is spent dealing with the rest of the business, including dealing with e-mails, invoicing and administrative work, and most of all, managing the daily schedule of the bus supervisors.

Indeed, the management of the bus supervisors’ schedule is no lightweight task when providing a service to a school of 3000 pupils. Currently, the APEEE employs around 80 bus supervisors that are each allocated either in a bus or in the bus terminal of the school. There are 48 buses, provided by 14 different bus companies, taking children to school every morning, and a total of 63 buses leaving the school in the afternoon for different destinations, including 5 buses in the direction of the after-school centres of the Commission.

The coordination team is very aware of their heavy responsibility in coordinating a school bus service. Reggy points out: “Our service is a critical function for the APEEE because it is in charge of transporting children”. Any transportation service must have a very high notion of security, and even more so when the passengers are not grown ups but children. While riding a bus to school is proven to be actually safer than riding in the family vehicle or walking, bus transportation-related incidents are among the biggest risks to a pupil attending school. Therefore it is of utmost importance that both the bus drivers and the supervisors are regularly trained for on board and driving safety. APEEE coordinates this training for the supervisors and bus drivers in cooperation with the FBAA (Fédération Belge des Exploitants d’Autobus et d’Autocar). Furthermore, 40-minute learning shots are organised every year for pupils on the school site in order to create awareness and prevent risky behaviours linked to riding the school bus such as getting on and off the bus in a safe manner.

Another perceived risk linked to the transportation of children is the risk of disappearance. And what is more scary for a parent than the thought of not being sure your child is in the right place at the right time? “For me, the most stressful part of this job is dealing with anxious parents that call us on their missing children” says Ferhan who remarks that all disappearances linked to the bus service have always been resolved very quickly. All missing pupils have always been found, be it on the school site, on the school bus itself after falling asleep during the ride (and missing the stop), or even at the Woluwe shopping mall…This is rather a remarkable achievement, considering that the bus service transports 5000 children per day!

However, Ferhan and Reggy are far from complaining about their responsibilities. Quite on the contrary, as Reggy remarks: “We have a nice atmosphere in the office, and very much enjoy the diversity of the activities”. The good team spirit certainly helps to deal with the stress of the everyday urgencies.

My time is up, and I have to leave Ferhan, Reggy and the rest of the team to their work. I feel reassured and, frankly, quite impressed by the professionalism of the people I have met today. I will definitely not hesitate to continue enrolling my children in the bus service – and if I could, I would actually prefer to take such a bus ride myself too rather than drive my own car to work!