Introducing the 2016 APEEE board
It's been some time since the new board has been voted in at the AGM in January and if we have not, until now, properly introduced ourselves it is because the epithet "new" does bear some significance this time.
With quite a number of urgent issues to address, we had to hit the road running - and as a board that had lost its entire leadership of the last years due to the retirement of the president as well as both vice-presidents and some other experienced members.
This is, of course, part of the very nature of an organisation built on volunteering and we mustn't - and aren't - complaining about it. On the contrary, interest in the board was, in the end, much stronger than was feared at the AGM, with four more candidates than posts on offer.
Francesca joined the board in 2015, representing the Italian section. She writes:

Dear parents!
I would like to thank you for having put your trust in our new Board.
At the General Assembly, I expressed my wish to "run the business" in a year where we have to tackle a new challenge: some very experienced members have left.
This is a wonderful opportunity to bring on board new ideas and projects but at the same time it obliges newcomers to make a great additional effort to fill gaps in terms of knowledge and experience.
APEEE is very much committed in a number of different areas. From services to pedagogical issues, from relations with families to relations with the school management, without forgetting the duty to serve as the supervisory body of a small, even if non-for-profit, business (an A.S.B.L. in Belgian law).
I have the honour of having being elected president. I see my role as someone who makes things progress as smoothly as possible. I will concentrate more on running the "machine" from the administrative point of view rather than focusing pedagogical files.
But I also have my own projects. The first one is to enable the board itself to work more effectively. I am happy to say that we are all incredibly committed and motivated! So, my first project will be an easy one!
The second project is to create a real partnership between the school and the families so that the school can become a community.
Unfortunately, the current security issues do not help in this, but I believe there is large scope for a more friendly approach from the school towards families.
To achieve this, the cooperation of everybody is needed. I think that we can ask the school to be more open, because our children love to have us around there, too … well, at least I hope so. On the other hand, I think that if we want to build a community with the school, we also have to be respectful of our own roles. If we manage to cooperate effectively, we will achieve a relation based on mutual trust, which is the only goal we all should have in the interest of our children.
I have been myself in the Board for one year only, and it has been a very enriching experience so far. I have learnt a lot but I have also worked a lot. It was definitively worth it. I would suggest to every one of you to make a try and join the Board some day!
JOHAN MELANDER (Vice-President Administrative Affairs, Coordinator IT and Health & Safety Working Groups)
Johan rejoined the board this year, representing the Swedish section. His first stint on the board was between 20 …. About himself he says:

Father of three boys, two of which are attending secondary. Living in Brussels since 1996 with a 5-year stint in Beijing.
The aim with my active participation in the APEEE is to try to contribute to make our children's school experience as good as possible. My main focus will be on the services APEEE provides and the security linked to these areas. The challenge in this task is to deliver a balance between individual service, security, flexibility, and a manageable process that delivers good value.
JAN VON PFALER (Vice-President Pedagogical Affairs, Coordinator Education Committee for Secondary, CES )
Jan joined the board this year, representing the Finnish section at primary & maternelle level.

I have a child in the Finnish section of the nursery and I would like to see him, in due course, graduate, a prospering young adult, leaving behind a prospering school. My participation in the board is an investment towards that end.
Apart from monitoring the large range of pedagogical reforms planned at the school as well as communicating the reform process to all parents and influencing it to their benefit, I would like to advance transparency within the school overall. It is the base of the mutual trust so essential to any school community. EEB2 is a high quality school with high quality students, there is a lot to be proud of. It should be easy to admit and openly discuss any shortcomings.
In the system of European schools, the parents have been given a formidable role that we ought to make use of. Parents can have real power, in particular, when we come up with feasible propositions. I very much welcome and want to promote all open discussion, preferably across the language sections. It is only in this way that the best ideas are brought up.
CARLOS TREJO (Coordinator Canteen Working Group)
Carlos joined the board in 2013, representing the Finnish section and was re-elected this year on a free mandate. He writes:

Dear parents,
Thank you for your trust and vote which have allowed me to be part of the APEEE’s board for the past three years. I have two children, one in S4 and one in S5. I have been living in Brussels since 2013, but have been a parent in the European School system already since 2010 (Alicante). We have been a high mobility family and I always joined all PA’s in every school my children have attended (Finland, Australia, U.S.A, Spain and Belgium). During our six years in the European school system I have always been active in the parents association.
I have always been pretty active in APEEE and have contributed in different areas such as: Canteen, Interparents, Students Exchange, Career Guidance and Work Experience. My goal is to continue contribute to the school community in these areas and where my experience and expertise are needed.
PHILIPPE LENNE (Coordinator Transport Working Group and Education Committee)

I am representing the Dutch speaking section, with kids in P5 and S2.
This is my 3rd year on the board, and the objective for this year would be to ensure continuity between the two boards.
Amongst other tasks , I have been the transport group coordinator for the last two years and I continue in this capacity, helped this time by some colleagues. This group is a sensitive one as it concerns one of the biggest services delivered to the parents and students. Any improvements that are proposed have sometimes big impacts and everything needs to be carefully thought through before being implemented. Thankfully, the APEEE transport team is very much in control of all issues and is running a well regulated service. Not all of the parents' requests can always be accommodated...the current balance and quality of the service comes at this price!
DOROTA BIANCO (Coordinator Extra-curricular Activities Working Group)
Dorota joined the board in 2015 and represents the Italian section on secondary level.

BETTINA SCHMIDBAUER-MOGENSEN (Coordinator Education Committee for Maternelle & Primary, CEP&M)

This is my second year on the board. I have two children in Primary DE section, soon to be transferred to Secondary. I believe the APEEE has an important role to play within the school and its board members are all dedicated to contribute in their free time for the common good of our children. Many parents might not realise the APEEE's impact and influence, but we do have both if we act together. Therefore, constant communication and interaction between APEEE and parents is vital. I want to use my time on the board trying to bring the different sections together and avoid silo thinking. There is a need to find synergies in tackling common problems like bullying and the lack of hygiene in Nursery and Primary bathroom facilities. Another one of my goals is to better inform parents about the transition from primary to secondary and what implications their choices in late primary and early secondary will have for the BAC. A short overview document on this issue is being prepared by a working group. Furthermore, I am member of the canteen working group, striving for constant improvement of the menus with a focus on flexibility for teachers and healthy, tasty meals for children.
KATARZYNA HOREMANS (Coordinator Enrolment Policy and Education Support Working Groups)
Kasia has joined the board this year. She writes:
It is my pleasure to represent the Nursery & Primary NL section in the APEEE Board. I have my child in the 5th grade primary, Dutch section.
I am responsible for the enrolment policy as well as for the educational support dossiers.
By profession I am a… qualified head-hunter, while currently in charge of HR policies in the Commission.
By nature I am a pro-social extrovert, a true free spirit, enjoying the social and emotional connections with others. I like contacts with people and all the more so if I can benefit from exchanging views, learning new things and discovering new horizons. I believe that being part of the parents association offers these opportunities in an exemplary way.
I would like to contribute to the overall work of our association and bring an added-value to the functioning of our school. I hope together we can reach our goals.
MARIA-ALICE EICHLER (Coordinator Active Community Working Group)

I started serving on the APEEE board in 2014, representing the Nursery/Primary Portuguese Section. I have a daughter at P5 PO and a boy at P2 FR. I am very excited to coordinate the new working group "Active Community"! This group aims to create a greater sense of community, with a better integration of parents in school life, to get more participation and collaboration from them. We will take care to organize events and projects related to this aim and to create an active community at our school. Also, we will strive for a better functioning of the activities involving voluntary work, like Eureka, the library, the Christmas Market and book sales events among others.
JOVITA LAZDINIENE (Coordinator Budget Working Group, Bureau Treasurer)
Jovita joined the board in 2013 and represents the Lithuanian section as well as SWALS pupils.

CHRISTIAN FARRAR-HOCKLEY (Coordinator EE Interparents Working Group, Bureau Secretary)
Christian joined the board in 2014 and represents the Swedish section on secondary level.

ANDREAS ROGAL (Coordinator Editorial Committee, Bureau Information Secretary)

This is my second year on the APEEE board, representing the EN section at nursery & primary level. I have two children in the school, one in nursery and one in P4. I am a journalist by profession, and so it seemed natural to entrust me with coordinating the APEEE's communication policy. With our new and improved website, and with our quarterly newsletter we have, I believe, made some strides in the right direction: towards a better informed and participative parents community, which, in turn, acts as a constructive constituent of the entire school community.
The editorial board encourages and welcomes contributions by interested parents to the APEEE website and newsletter.
MARIO NAVA (Member of the Bureau)
Mario joined the APEEE board in 2013. He represents the French section on secondary level. He writes:

A father of three, who study in two different sections of the EEB2, I am committed to education and excellence and convinced that everybody should contribute to make the school a better place. Lots of efforts, lots of work , little results, but still it is worth it. I think all parents should give it a try sooner or later…
Fiona joined the board in 2015 and represents the French section on primary/maternelle level. She writes:

I have two children at our school in 5th and 7th year secondary in the French section.
My objectives this year are:
- to counsel parent who need information about the school's Education Support policies.
- to raise awareness in our community about learning difficulties and how we parents, teachers and the school administration can help our children with their curriculum activities at school as well as at home. This will be done by offering workshops, articles and radio programmes.
- to create a parent survey to find out more information about the quality of the school Education support services. Find out more information as to what children and parents with special needs require from the school.
Corinna joined the board this year, representing the Italian section. She writes:

My 4-year old child attends the first year of nursery, in the Italian section, although he's also half Portuguese and Spanish speaker. My main objective within the APEEE is to contribute ensuring the wellbeing of our children at school. To do so, I will strive to address collective issues in a constructive manner, with the involvement of all stakeholders, and always keeping the interest of our children at the heart of any discussion. You can count on me for being concrete, hardworking and wildly enthusiastic about EEB II.

I am a freshman in the board and in the school! I am Portuguese and was elected to represent the Portuguese section. My motivation? I want to understand school functioning and participate, via the APEE, in the school activities in order to contribute to the well-being of our children/students. In particular, I would like to encourage and support the school in implementing the project on « Preventing violence in the playground ». This project is developed by the Mons University, Belgium. I have two children and the eldest is at the school (P1).
Philipp joined the board this year, representing the German section on secondary level.
I have 4 children at EEB2. As a former student of the Woluwé school and now a parent, I am looking forward to working together with management, teachers and students to foster a spirit of cooperation within the school community.
This Johanna's first year on the APEEE board. She represents the Finnish secondary section.

I have two children in secondary, S2 and S4. In APEEE I am a member of the secondary pedagogical issues working group, as well as safety and security group. In civil life I am a Social Psychologist.
Adam joined the board this year. He represents the English section at secondary level.
I decided to stand for the board spontaneously at the AGM because of a certain fascination with the English section and the SWALs saga, plus experiences with SEN. I've had three children at the school. My daughters went through the German section and are now studying in the UK. My son is in S4EN. My abiding impression from the first couple of board meetings is of the twin impacts of administrative complexity and scarcity of resources upon the school's operations. I'm a long-serving policy person at the Commission, official at DG Connect, interested in many things, including movies, social media and target shooting.
Peder is a new member of the board. He represents the Swedish primary & maternelle section.
European Parliament lawyer by day, pupils' advocate by night! In between I also enjoy coaching inter-class football teams and have a 25-year long experience of giving wine tastings to interested parties. I will, however, restrain from proposing to put the subject of oenology on the syllabus.
Albert has joined the APEEE board this year on a free mandate.

Our 3 children attend the Maternelle and the P1 of the German section. Being a member of the board allows me to actively accompany the education our children.
"I'm trying to turn this school into a warm and welcoming place". Interview with Prinicpal Pedagocial Adviser Lea Andries.
Belgian pedagogue and teacher of religion Lea Andries joined our school four years ago and became Principal Educational Adviser in 2013. Apart from having taught full time for over two decades, she has worked as a teacher trainer and co-authored almost twenty publications on pedagocial and didactical matters. WoluwInfo talked to her about her role in the school, her initiatives - in particular the controversial study room - and her goals.

You are part of the management team - and while it's pretty evident what the head master and the deputies for primary and for secondary are there for, what is the role of the "principal pedagogical adviser"?
When I entered this school, I saw my function mainly on the disciplinary level, and to make sure that the regulations were applied more closely to their letter and their spirit. I saw incidents on a regular basis that seem to be regarded as normal, whereas it made me wonder how that was possible.
What, for example?
Well, late arrivals and unjustified absences during daytime, for example, but also smoking on the school grounds. And when I confronted them, pupils would look at me as if I were an alien.. I decided that we needed to raise awareness for respecting the school regulations.
I also noticed that during free periods, pupils were just hanging around and it was hardly possible to keep them under control. With so many areas around, the counsellors could not cover them all. I was also astonished to learn that there was no study room - particularly in this school, where the accent is really on academic achievement.
Now there is a study room but it has been rather disputed amongst pupils and parents, at least initially. Let's come back to that in a moment, but first, how did you go about raising awareness for respecting the regulations?
Well, I come from a system , the schools of Don Bosco, which are known for their pedagogical method based on prevention. Prevention not in the sense of security, but in the realm of relationships. In the preventive pedagogical system, children and adolescents are considered to be real partners and taken seriously, and there is a strong appeal to responsibility.
((Teachers are expected to be as close as possible to their pupils, on a professional level, of course, to be a presence everywhere, not only in the class room, but also the playground, or in the canteen, to prevent situations turning into issues. I have studied the preventive system quite intensively and am now trying use this knowledge to turn the school into a warm and welcoming place. ))
What is the biggest challenge to achieving that?
What I saw here as the biggest problem was pupils suffering from overcrowding, from the noise it creates, the bullying it engenders. And even though classes are together from nursery through primary and secondary, there was little team spirit. So I decided that we had to invest in prevention and social skills training. I developed a seven year project, after which everyone would have had some training in social skills. This initial project was modified according to suggestions by conseillers and was then presented in the Admin Board.
It took me quite a while to convince all stakeholders of the necessity of this project. Many teachers, for instance, were not convinced that they should sacrifice a period of time teaching their subjects to such a "soft skill". But I don't like that term at all, it implies an arrogant disregard of something extremely important. Especially as the overcrowding issue is not easily tackled at its root - we cannot simply make the school bigger - teaching social skills will hopefully make the pupils more resistant and more confident.
At the same time, we have to work with the time schedules to identify and ultimately reduce the occasions where the overcrowding is coming to a head. That was also one of the reasons for establishing the study room.
Yes, let's talk about the study room. It has not been universally popular from the start, has it? Especially the obligatory nature of its use met with a lot of criticism by students and parents..
I did get indeed comments from parents saying their children could organise their free times themselves, but I must say I don't agree. I have witnessed it myself that the vast majority never uses missed classes for serious work and very few ever used the old, smaller study room next to the adviser's office.
Students accused me of infringing on their human rights which was difficult for me to take as nothing could be further from my mind. But we did look at the provisions again in the light of these comments and we modified them. Sometimes there are more teachers absent than usual, when there is a flu going around, for example. Then it can happen that pupils have more than two periods without a teacher, and now, from the third period onwards students can choose whether to use the study room or play outside or in the preo.
Also, in the beginning we said that the study room must be a silent room, but now students can whisper with their direct neighbour. We are planning to equip the room with more computers, but already students now can use their electronic devices but only for reading and studying. We will not allow games or films.
How is that enforced, how many staff are there in the room to oversee it?
Only one counsellor. That is not enough, we know. The counsellors should be close to the pupils and help them learn in these circumstances so they can benefit from it. For the moment, this can only happen when there are only one or two classes in the room. I go there myself often to help out and what I notice, especially with younger students, is that they say "but we have nothing to do" - but how can that be possible? You just had a class or even two, I tell them, what was the subject? Have you really understood everything? Just take your book from that lesson and have a look at it again. And I tell them that the motivation for learning should not be confined to fulfilling what the teachers ask them to do.
So, really, part of the objective of the study room is to encourage and foster independent learning. But, it's true, you need adults with a pedagogical skills in there, not just 'surveillants', and I am at the moment looking into ways how we could involve the teachers more.
There have also been concerns about the system of checking students' absences, about its accuracy. Has that been addressed?
Unfortunately, the computer for this task had not yet been installed when the study room was opened, that was a huge handicap. The counsellors needed to print out lists of the pupils from the teacher… that was DIY. But now the computer is there and, upon my request, school management will also install a scanner to be used for the students' exit passes. This way, we are up-to date and accurate.
Do you think you have everything in place now for the study room to be accepted and successful?
Already, the benefits of the study room for the general atmosphere in the school are tangible: there is less noise and the occasions for disruptive behaviour have been reduced. Also, students are in a better frame of mind for their next class after having spent a free period in the study room, rather than having spent it outside playing.
On the other hand, the project is not finished yet. We ordered some pedagogical posters for the room for the students to reflect upon, we're also hoping to put more computers in the room, but for that we also need more human resources, which seems to be a sticking point at the moment.