
Nov 22 - 23 2024


10:00 am - 6:00 pm

Salon du SIEP

The SIEP fair (Service d’Information sur les Etudes et les Professions) in Brussels is scheduled on the 22nd and 23rd November 2024 from 10h to 18h.

These days will allow students to:

  • Meet with universities (ULB, VUB, UMons, UNamur, Brussels School of Governance, UCL, …), Hautes Ecoles (Ihecs, Ichec, Ephec, …) and find out about student life, possible grants, enrolment, programmes, etc.
  • Find out about Social Promotion courses, which offer an interesting alternative to full-time study.
  • Find out that there are other ways of getting an education, particularly through work: apprenticeships, vocational integration associations, etc.

For more information, please visit the website : Salon SIEP Bruxelles | Découvrir le salon.

L'événement est terminé.

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📢 National Demonstration 📢

As announced in the national media, a demonstration will take place on 13th January 2025, which could cause disruption and create trafic.

The transport service will keep the concerned parents informed in real time about cancellations, absent monitors, etc.


📢 Manifestation Nationale 📢

Comme annoncé dans les médias nationaux, une manifestation aura lieu le 13 janvier 2025, ce qui pourrait entraîner des perturbations sur le réseau routier de la capitale.

Le service transport tiendra informé en temps réel les parents concernés par des bus annulés/sans surveillant/etc.